Day 5: New Feelings

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Myles had just kissed. I heard a camera click and we pulled away to see Bri and Dylan taking pictures of us. I chased Bri grabbing her phone and throwing it to Myles, who was on his phone. Myles missed the phone and it hit the wall, bouncing off hitting Amber in the face. Bri picked it up and looked at, her jaw dropping. "What?" I asked. She showed me her phone screen which had a crack on it. "Sorry." I said. She shook her head. "It's cool. It's small anyway." She said going to but her phone up. I sat down on the bed that Amber and Kalin were laying down in. "What do we wanna do today?" I asked after everyone had woken up. "I don't know. I think it's supposed to rain later on so maybe we can go to the beach." Myles said. I nodded. After a few hours we all went to the beach and played games and stuff until it started raining. We decided to go back to the hotel. Myles, Jacob, Kelli, Amber, Kalin, Bri, Dylan, and I decided to go to a party since we've only been to one and we have to leave soon. I put on a pair of pink lace shorts and a black crop top with my pinks Vans. I done my hair, leaving it in a half up half down style. I done simple but semi- dramatic makeup look. I used base, concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner, and mascara. I walked out of the bathroom and Myles met up with me and we met up with everyone else. I was so excited about this. We went to a party that was held in a house. When we walked in the smell of beer and weed hit me. I knew this was gonna be one of those infamous typical Florida spring break parties. I looked at Myles and smiled. He smiled back and took my hand and led to the kitchen to get a drink. I drank the tan liquid from the red plastic cup and it burned down my throat as i swallowed it. After a few more drinks, i was buzzing. "Myles." I slurred. he looked at me and for the first time since we met i actually looked into his eyes and pure love. Something i just didn't see with Jacob. I pulled us on the dance floor and we danced. I turned around and leaned up to kiss Myles' lips and that's the last thing i remember before everything went black. 


Hey! Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. 

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