Chapter 7: Friday Surprises

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*Skip to 6:00 am Friday* 

"Get up. We have school." Amber said shaking me. I groaned forcing myself up. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Dang." I mumbled grabbing my face wash. I washed my face and went to my closet pulling out my favorite black skinny jeans and my white lace top. I slipped on my black Vans and went back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I brushed my hair out and slightly curled the ends of my hair and done my everyday makeup. Base, concealer, powder, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss. I walked into the kithchen grabbing a granola bar, eating it, and going back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grabbed my phone, earbuds, black leather jacket and my bag. "Lets go." I shouted. Amber stood up, grabbed her binder and we left. We started finals today. We got in the car and drove to the living heck hole they call school. We walked in the school and i looked around. There were prom posters everywhere. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the posters and sent it to Myles saying 'look at what's coming up joys of having a long distance boyfriend. Ily.' He replied back with 'Aww. Ilyt. Go to your locker." I was confused but walked to my locker and saw Myles and Kalin. I smiled hugging the both of them. "Hey." I said opening my locker. "Hey. Guess what?" Myles said. "What?" I asked getting my things for first period. "We've been transferred until school's out so we can all go to Cali together." Kalin said and smiled. "That's perfect!" I said as the bell rang. "See you guys later." I called running to my next class. 

*After 6th Period* 

I went to my locker and got my things meeting up with Kalin, Myles, and Amber outside. As we were going to Amber's car we got stopped by the plastics of our school, Kelli, Jessi, Alli, and Jenni. Kalin and Myles had already went to their car and left school grounds. "What do you guys want?" Amber said. Kelli rolled her eyes and Jenni began speaking. "Still in love with Myles Parrish?" She said snickering. "Yeah. Is there a problem?" I said sarcastically. I knew Kelli had said something about spring break to them. They have always teased me about my crush on Myles or my relationship with Jacob. "Yeah. The fact that he doesn't know you exist." Jenni said laughing again. "Really?" I said. "Yep. And when you come to my wedding when i marry Harry Styles you'll be so jealous." I rolled my eyes. "At least we've actually met Myles." I said and Jenni's jaw dropped and they all walked away. I rolled my eyes and we went home. Finals were over and we could finally leave Knoxville and move to California. It was finally over.  


This is most likely the last chapter of this book. I might write a sequeal to this which would be a Myles fanfiction but i'm not sure yet. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed! I love you all.  

Spring BreakersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant