Aberto- A spell used to open doors.

Accio- Summons an object towards the caster. It can summon objects in direct line of sight of the caster, as well as things out of view, by calling the object aloud after the incantation (unless the spell is cast nonverbally).

Aguamenti- Produces a clean, drinkable jet of water from the wand tip.

Alarte Ascendare- Shoots target high into the air.

Alohomora- Unlocks doors and other locked objects. It can also unlock doors that have been sealed with a Locking spell, although it is possible to bewitch doors to become unaffected by this spell.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus- Spell used as part of the process of becoming an animagus. The incantation has to be recited at sunrise and sundown, every day before the consumption of the potion. The incantation is also recited just before the consumption of the potion, which has to take place just after a lightning storm starts. The incantation is recited while placing the wand's tip over one's heart.

Anapneo- Clears the target's airway if they are choking on something.

Anteoculatia- Causes the target to grow antlers.

Anti-cheating spell- Used to prevent cheating.

Anti-disapparition jinx- Prevents Disapparition in an area. It is used to entrap an enemy in an area.

Aparecium- Reveals secret messages written in invisible ink or any other hidden markings. Also works against Concealing charms.

Appare Vestigium- Reveals traces of magic, including footprints and track marks.

Apparition- Magically transports the caster to another location instantaneously. The destination is one that the primary user has been to or seen in some fashion previously. Can be used to apparate multiple people at once if holding each other. No incantation required.

Arania Exumai- Drives spiders away, including acromantulas.

Arresto Momentum- Decreases the velocity of a moving target. Can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster themselves. It was invented by Daisy Pennifold in 1711  for use on the Quaffle in Quidditch.

Ascendio- Lifts the caster high into the air. The charm also works underwater, propelling the caster above the surface.

Avada Kedavra- Causes instantaneous death. It is accompanied by a flash of green light and a rushing noise. No known counter-curse can protect the victim from dying, except for loving sacrifice. It is one of the three unforgivable.

Avifors- Transforms the target into a bird.

Avenseguim- Turns an object into a tracking device.

Avis- Conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand. 

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