The beginning

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Kat was staying over at her friend Wendy's house that night. It was March 3 of their thirteenth year alive them, along with all other 13 year olds who possessed the potential for mystic energy would be going through the Trial that year.

The Trial was a time when all 13 year olds who possessed the mystic potential would go through a series of painful waves in which your pain sensors would go out of whack while you gained your talents. The pain would gradually increase as time went on until eventually the person in question saw either sunlight or moonlight. The longer someone went the more the talents attuned to their body and mind. For the first 10 rounds of the Trial the rule didn't kick in as a way that whatever gave out talents would give one to everyone. The Trial could hit at anytime and was completely random even going on the same day two years in a row.  There were many stories and rumours about what happened to people during the Trial. Some said that people died from it, other said you had to live through your worst nightmare. Her parents had said it was different for everyone so all they could tell her was the rudimentary stuff that everyone would know. The Trial would give you your talents, the number of talents you could gain were from 2-7. And the amount of different talents were almost endless the only consistency was that someone had a main and minor talents and then possible extras. Your main talent was one of the four elements Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The minor talent was a subset like Physic, Shadow, Light, Nature, Electricity and Ice. The extras were more specific like Healing, Flight and talking to animals, some like invisibility could belong to a minor or major talent but could be used without having the actual talent.

Kat was sitting on Wendy's bed talking too her best friend with a bowl of popcorn in between them. They had been talking about small things their new favourite song, the new K touch that had just come out and gossip about celebrities. Wendy noticed it first, commenting on how her head was hurting a bit. They passed it off as a simple headache, when Kat's head started throbbing a bit she didn't mention it. But when a new wave of pain rolled over Wendy then her they both agreed.

It had to be the trial.

By their estimate they had roughly half an hour before the rule kicked in. Probably less. They were alone in the house, Wendy's parents were out. Wendy pulled out her K phone from her pocket and started dialling her mom's number after telling Kat to get water bottles and food. Doing as she was told Kat rushed down the stairs to the kitchen grabbing two clear, plastic water bottles and filling them up with the tap. She also grabbed some granola bars and chocolate because if chocolate started tasting bad than the world was ending. Chocolate always made things better.

Kat headed back to the room food in hand, but when running up the stairs she almost tripped when the pain in her head intensified. If this was how the early waves were Kat did not want to think about the later waves. Coming into the room she found Wendy rummaging around in her desk for something. She called out in triumph pulling out two pieces of cloth. Setting the refreshments on the bedside table  she turned around to see Wendy raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"It helps" Kat supplied shrugging her shoulders in response to the silent question about the chocolate. "And what about you what's with the cloth?"

"I'll have you know they are bandanas, and very big ones at that" she said defensively. "You know to cover our eyes, I was thinking about going with duck tape but then realized how hard it would be to get off"

"Good call" Kat said gulping, she knew her friend would have made her wear duck tape as well if she was going to.

Her friend pulled out bean bag chairs for them to sit on while they tied the bandanas on their heads.

"How long until your parents get here"

"Too long" Kat gulped at the prospect "You seem far too calm"

"Do I? On the inside I'm freaking out" Wendy replied with a shaky intake of breath.

Her voice trailed off leaving them in silence, suffocating silence. With each second that passed her heart seemed to hammer harder threatening to rip itself out of her chest. So it was almost a relief when the eleventh wave hit, almost, there was something different Kat could tell. The next wave hit so suddenly that she forgot how to breath for a moment. Suddenly grateful for the covering on her eyes she was sure that if not for the cloth bound tightly around her eyes they would have shot open and it would have ended before it began.

She had little time to ponder that fact before the next wave came, stealing her breath away yet again. Fumbling she stuffed some chocolate in her mouth to calm her nerves.



"What's going to happen to us?"

"I don't know"

The next wave hit and Kat blacked out leaving Wendy to face the pain alone before darkness claimed her as well. Looking back on it Wendy would always say that it was ironic. Their lives were going to change forever in a short time and the process started the moment that Wendy got that headache.

Hello everyone, this is the author speaking I won't normally do these outro things but I just wanted to apologize for the crazy stuff that has been going on with this story I know I said I would fix it like three months ago but I never have been very good at updating. So this marks a new age for Scalia I have completely reinvented it so you may want to reread the description. Anyway if you are reading this story's after July 12 2016 pay no heed it doesn't have anything that is going to happen with this story in the future.

So starting next chapter it will switch between Kat's and Wendy's POV and possibly some other characters. Just thought I'd warn you. Anyway this rant has gone on long enough, Bye!

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