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The months passed by, school ended with good grades on my report card and soon summer began. I started looking over my books for school to get ahead, making small notes and summaries in the margins to help me remember things or get to the key points. I'm sure it could be considered vandalism of the book but it is mine so I could do whatever I wanted with it. As long as that didn't include destroying it, mother would not be pleased if we had to go buy a new set of school books. Kat and I met up again many times over the summer but nothing interesting really happened, it was the same thing over and over again. We practiced our first talents together down by a pond at my house since I needed a water source. Father helped me practice since he also had the water talent and since mother had a fire talent she couldn't help me. While I steadily improved with the use of my talent Kat did not. Both her parents didn't have the air talent so she was winging her training sometimes basing it off the exercises that I was doing. She made spurts of progress but her powers were still wildly out of control. It also didn't help that Kat almost always had a headache these days so she could never concentrate properly. Soon summer ended and September rolled around so Kat and I were headed off to Scalia to begin our formal training as Mystics. My parents drove us to the airport where the plane to fly us to the academy was waiting. Kat came with us because we both agreed it would be easier than finding each other in a crowded airport so we could sit together instead of with strangers. Kat had already said goodbye to her parents so she was practically at Scalia already. The academy was located in the Nithen mountain range with only a small town near it. Because of that the only ways to get there was by plane or a porter and so all the academy students flew in a plane to the academy. The elder students who had a physic talent normally could just teleport there themselves but there was a shield surrounding the academy that stopped teleportation inside it. We checked our main bags into the luggage terminal for our flight then headed off to the plane with our handbags. The actual terminal for the plane was nothing special just a number on a ticket that was sent to us in the mail. It looked just like every other terminal in the place though I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe a big sign that said "Scalia Academy" or just something make it look more Mysticy but whatever. Kat and I handed our tickets over to the gate attendant and after waving to my mom and dad goodbye we boarded the plane that would take us to our new lives. So unbelievably cheesy.

The airplane was already crowded with students when we boarded. They were doing a variety of things from playing with their talents to summoning their familiars to just reading a book. I nicked two seats next to a window for us since I though Kat would enjoy the view of the sky. There was a boy sitting next to us but he was sleeping and I hoped it stayed that way. Not to be rude or anything but I just didn't want to talk to anyone right now. The plane slowly filled up with people most coming in groups of 2-4 and picking seats where they could sit with their friends. The noise got louder as more people came, it was annoying since I was trying to read but Kat was oblivious since she was listening to music. It only quieted when the intercom crackled through the plane and I had to poke Kat in the shoulder to get her to take her earphones out.

"Welcome Mystics to a new year at the Scalia academy, we'll be launching soon so please put on your seat belts and prepare for take off."

The intercom shut off and the noise returned to its previous volume. I saw many students buckle their seat belts up and quickly followed their example. I saw Kat put her headphones in but didn't reach for her seatbelt like a couple other students. I nudged her to make her put on her seatbelt but she ignored me. Oh well, these rides could get very bumpy so if she wanted to get banged around a lot that was her problem. I know not very friend like but I tried to warn her. Slowly I felt the plan pull away from the terminal and head towards the runway. We had to wait for some other planes to take off so I was feeling relatively fine, this wasn't so bad we were going at a reasonable speed. Then we hit the runway, the plane started picking up speed and the compartment started to shake. We were flattened against our seats which moved around from the pressure, all in all making a very unenjoyable experience. It got a bit more difficult to breath and my skin was trying to move as far back as it could. Very very uncomfortable. After what seemed like years but was only around a minute the plane took off and the pressure released a bit though it was still fairly difficult to unstick myself from my seat. Quickly I straightened up my uniform and ran a  hand through my hair to get rid of some of the flyways that has come lose when my head band fell out. I looked over to Kat to see how she had fared without an enchanted seatbelt only to find her staring out the window exactly as before we had taken off. She didn't even look like the pressure had affected her at all. As if she could sense my gaze she looked over to me.

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