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After gaining no satisfactory answer from Kat about the locket on her neck my mom pulled us away to get our uniforms. Maybe she had brought the locket yesterday but I don't remember her wearing it yesterday or ever, I let it slide so I could actually get on my feet and have my mom stop dragging me. I took a moment to pity Kat who couldn't keep up with my mom's fast pace and ended up getting dragged through her attempts to regain her footing. Finally when we stopped for directions to the Scalia uniform shop Kat and I got to actually talk. She had Air, Physic and empath talents. She was really excited to have an extra talent as was I and anyone who did. I responded by telling her how I got Water, Nature, Healing and talking to animals as my talents. She seemed to get excited about that as well, but before we could compare schedules or even talk a bit more my mom dragged us off again knocking Kat off her feet, yet again. We were halfway to the shop when I realized,

"Mom, where's dad?"


After finally finding dad in the crowded streets teeming with mystics we walked to the shop at a more reasonable pace. Mom wasn't too happy about how long we were taking but she also didn't want the hassle of going back for dad again because that would take even longer. As we walked me and Kat traded familiars, wands and just general stories. I had a sea turtle as a familiar and an alder wand with white gold and Opal as the main characteristics. After the initial difference with the lighting in the Centre our stories were generally the same except that my talent potency was 74. I diverted her away with any means from the one topic I didn't want to talk about: what had happened during my trial, trying to distract her from asking by making small talk and asking other questions. I thought I had been hiding it pretty well until finally as we were outside the uniform shop she cornered me.

"Wendy what exactly happened to you during the Trial? Something's bugging you and that could be the only thing. Besides I can tell when you lie so don't even bother."

Her eyes were boring into me as if she could force the information from my head. My parents had gone into the shop to talk to the owner so they couldn't come to my rescue. And Kat was right, her and I had been friends ever since we were little she would know if I was lying and she definitely would not let me worm my way out of the question. I had one option left: tell the truth. Cliché? I know, right.

"I had to watch you be stabbed"

The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. Hey, just because I had no other option than to tell the truth, that didn't mean I hadn't been planning to try and get out of it one way or another. Kat looked startled then slightly relieved and then came up and hugged me.

"Don't worry it wasn't real, the Trial seemed designed to throw you against your fears"

I was about to reply by asking her what fear she had seen during the Trial but then my mother came out again and ushered us inside the shop to pick out our uniforms. She always had picked the wrong times to interrupt conversations, she even once paused a movie right when the hero had a wand to their head then stood there for a good half an hour talking while I was trying to finish my movie! Anyway back on topic the Scalia robe shop was fairly small, there were five wooden platforms and a cashier along with a door leading to the employee lounge. Or at least that was what I thought it was, the lettering on the door was too faded to tell. The cashier was a young teen around the age of seventeen who was chewing bubblegum while staring at the wall as if it was the most fascinating thing in the universe. I don't see what was so interesting about it, it wasn't even a slightly interesting colour, it was grey! Pulling me out of my thoughts mom ushered me onto one of the platforms and proceeded to do the same thing with Kat. The cashier came over to the control panel and turned on the platform with a key that she had around her neck. The last thing I saw was the cashier heading over to the platform beside mine.

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