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When I woke up I was alone in the room and Wendy was nowhere to be found. I stretched my arms and yawned taking in the bright sunlight, then the Trial came back to me. Who was that lady and why did she have prison guards? It was all too confusing for this early in the morning I looked over at the clock to check the time.

"It's 2pm!!!!!!" I shouted, "oops"

After dragging myself out of the comfy bed I stumbled down the stairs to be greeted by Wendy and her family sipping hot chocolate while watching TV.

"Your mug is over there Kat" Wendy said pointing to a side table.

The mug was still warm so they probably made it very recently. Gingerly sipping the hot liquid I sat on a chair beside the couch, they were watching the news reporting different stories from the trial. Thankfully no one had been hurt with the sudden start so early in the afternoon. They were halfway through a story about a girl from Callicope* when Wendy's mom Juliet spoke.

"Unfortunately Kat, your parents are still in Prentic* and can't catch a porter* back until next week so we'll take you shopping in the Spector* for your school supplies."

"The Spector is creepy" I shuddered

"Well your going to have to get over that because you're going to have to visit it quite often in school" Juliet replied

"Why?" I questioned

"You will learn to use it as a storage space to store whatever you need for class" Wendy's father Robert cut in

"Yes" Juliet gave her husband a stern look "So you'll stay over tonight and we will head to the Spector in the morning." She continued, beaming and headed off to the kitchen.


The next day Juliet served waffles and bacon with whipped cream, of course the whipped cream was on the waffle and the bacon was on the side. What did you think I meant? Anyways beside that Juliet made huge waffles, like MASSIVE waffles I had to fold it in half to fit it on my plate it was that big. Wendy has lent me some of her clothes so I didn't have to go to Spector in my rumpled ones that I had (accidentally) slept in.

In order to get to Spector you had to be a mystic or a soon to be one at least. Then came the weird part you had to astral project your soul into a different realm and yet still have your physical body be affected by what you do in the astral form. It took me forever when I was younger to do this but after much practice at my parent's insistence it was like second nature. Which according to Juliet was a really good thing because I would be using a similar skill all the time in school.

We got in fairly quickly considering the traffic getting in and out usually would be deathly slow. Our first stop was the Spector vaults, the vaults consisted of a door that could be opened by a mystic's talent signature. The door would only open for the mystic signature programmed into it and to anyone else it would look like you walked through a solid platinum door. Now that Wendy and me were Mystic's we had two options we should go into the family vault or our own. Since I didn't have any money in my own vault I went into the family vault. My family wasn't rich but they weren't poor either though I always deposited the Spector currency which consisted of Ryis, Kento and Jemi. Ryis was the lowest in value while Jemi is the highest in value. 3 Kento is worth 1 Jemi and 6 Ryis is worth 1 Kento. I quickly stuffed some of each into a bag and hurried out of the vault to go meet up with Wendy again.

When I got out the three of them were waiting for me with a bag of their own. Our first stop was at the centre, the centre was where new Mystics went to find their talents, get their wand and familiar and finally their class schedule. Time worked differently in the centre. So no matter what in this dimension everyone takes ten seconds no matter how long they spend in there. Also only first time Mystics were allowed in and only one could go in at a time. Wendy and I got into line behind around twenty other people, the line moved surprisingly quickly and soon it was my turn to go through the mirror. Wendy came out with a smile on her face and headed towards her parents, I'll have to ask her what she got later. Taking a deep breath I stepped through the rippling mirror.

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