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I was sinking, I could feel that much, it was almost like someone had thrown me into an ocean and let me drown. Except for the fact that I was not wet and that I was breathing perfectly fine. I opened my eyes only to find the same darkness as when they were closed all around me.

The floating continued for a while longer, I wondered if this was what floating on clouds felt like. Then whatever force was holding me away from the force of gravity gently let me slide onto a cool glass like surface. Slowly I stood up after a couple seconds careful not to slip, though surprisingly the surface while glass like was not slippery in the least. As soon as she took a step in one direction the whole floor lit up a ghostly light blue colour and a strange mist covered the area.

Having nothing better to do I continued walking until I came across a figure hidden in the mist. I jogged towards them and spun them around.

"Hey!" It was Wendy "Oh, sorry I didn't realize it was you" I apologized

"It's fine, hey do you have any idea where we are?"

"No clue, I was just walking in a random direction when I came across you. Maybe we should explore together"

I smiled and grabbed her hand and started pulling her in a new direction. All of a sudden I froze, looking down there was a blue crystalline dagger protruding from my stomach. It was covered in blood, my blood, coughing some more flew out from my mouth.

"Why" I croaked falling to my knees

"Why! Why! You know why you betrayed me, you betrayed us." More figures appeared from the mist my mother and father, my teachers, my friends and the rest of my family. One of my other friends Angelina came over and kicked me in the side causing me to slide to the floor. Then they were all on me, tearing at my hair, clawing at my skin and covering me in bruises. Everything started turning numb until I couldn't feel it anymore. I stared at my reflection as my friends and family terrorized me, I slid my hand onto the glass so that it looked like our fingers were touching. The floor began to ripple at the touch it turned liquid like and I sunk into it once again falling through whatever substance was air here.

This time the floor came quicker and I crashed onto it feeling pain shoot all over my body. Desperately wishing for the numbness that came before I managed to shakily sit up. Curling into a ball I started crying all of the jeers from before coming to the forefront of my mind. Wendy had always been the prodigy, she was good at everything and I didn't resent her for it. But I suppose that somewhere in the back of my mind I felt inferior. I had never been as good as her but I though I didn't matter that we were friends and that was all that mattered.

"It is child" a new voice rang out it was clear and melodic like wind chimes in the breeze. Yet wind chimes couldn't talk.

"Who are are you?" I said scrambling back, I did NOT want a repeat of last time thank you very much.

"To answer your question I am someone in desperate need of your help" The voice states

"My help? Why do you need my help? Why don't you go get Wendy or someone else's help!"

"You are hurting child" It was not a question

"Well no duh"

"Well Wendy nor anyone else can help me with this problem, only you can" The strange voice said

"And why is that?" I asked suspiciously

"Because your the only one I could reach out to, you have a kind soul and a good heart child"

A lady formed in front of me. She had vivid green hair that was thin and ropey, she had unnatural bright red eyes that seemed to glow. Her skin looked a pale green in the light and she wore a floor length gown with leaf designs on it.

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