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In the morning I woke to a loud clanging noise that reverberated throughout the dormitory. Groaning I opened my eyes only to immediately close them against the morning light. After a while I managed to drag myself out of bed to face a new day, all around me other first years were waking up. There were only eight of us in the dorm which was a surprisingly low number considering the amount of first years. Though I supposed this was only around an eighth of the whole year and the amount of girls vs boys would differ, along with how many people had an air talent vs any of the other elemental talents. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I put on my new uniform in a lethargic manner, clipping on my first year pin before heading down to the home room and flopping on one of the empty chairs. There were a few other first years waiting for our obnoxiously loud and annoying guide Dylan. The seats slowly filled up with other first years while older students headed out the stone door in the side of the room. I was sitting in one of the chairs that surrounded the blazing fireplace. The home room was massive with large windows letting in the sunlight that streamed over the mountains. The stone floor was covered in thick carpet that was mostly taken up by chairs and tables along with the occasional couch and entertainment item. By the time Dylan came down I was nursing a steaming cup of hot chocolate that I had gotten from one of the machines that littered the sides of the circular room.

"Oh, no" he exclaimed to the now wide awake first years "where are your bags? You guys don't come back here until dinner and unless you like pulling you stuff out of the Spector all day which I would not recommend until you have a lot more practice than you do now you need to grab your stuff now since it won't be until lunch that you will have time to summon stuff considering how long you first-ies probably take."

That sent all of us in a flurry of motion I ran back upstairs to my dorm and grabbed my messenger bag before looking at the crumpled schedule that I had shoved in my pocket this morning. I painstakingly summoned my math, history and languages textbook from the Spector before shoving them into my bag along with the map I had been given and a blank notebook. Dylan was right, summoning my textbooks from the Spector had taken a lot out of me no matter how much I had practiced. Along with the fact I had no idea how much time had passed. I hurried down stairs to where Dylan was waiting and joined a throng of other first years that steadily grew. When all of us were together again Dylan began leading us back down to the main building accompanied by his endless chatter. I was about ready to bang my head against the wall by the time we reached the main hall. Breakfast was already in full swing with a few students checking the clock on the wall to see how long before class was left. Following the others I lined up at the breakfast buffet. While breakfast was not as extravagant as dinner had been, that's not to mean it wasn't amazing. There were eggs, waffles, pancakes, bacon, oatmeal and orange juice. Seeing as we only had seventeen minutes before class left I scarfed down breakfast as fast as I could before grabbing my map and heading out with six minutes left. Needless to say I didn't end up eating much at all. My first class was math which was shared with the fire talent. Thankfully it was fairly close by so I had a minute to spare once I reached the classroom in which I used to get myself organized. Pulling out my textbook and notebook from my bag I quickly summoned my pencil case which I had forgotten earlier. The teacher started the minute that the clock hit 8:30 making me wince at the death stare he gave each student who came in after. Fortunately since it was the first day he seemed lenient enough to not give any punishments out. I did not want to find out what would happen when he wasn't being lenient. First he called out attendance only giving the person a second to answer before moving on to the lesson.

"Welcome to math class my name is Mr. Senith and I will be your professor if that was not apparent. Wands will not be used at all during this class so put them away this instant." I stripped off the fingerless glove the had appeared on my right hand and shoved it into my bag while others did similar things around me "Open your textbooks to page fifty three we will be reviewing the basics of Algebra as most of you will not have a competent grasp on even the most basic of the subject"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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