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Louis woke up alone. 'Told you he didnt care you never listen even though all i do is care about you. Always but you always fuck up??'

He desperately blocked the voices out and got up to get dressed it was 22nd of December soon it would be his birthday and due to his pissed mood he was about to treat himself. He honestly deserved it.

Over the next two days he spent time with Liam and Zayn they were a bit too couply it made Louis kinda jealous and annoyed at the same time. It felt weird. Lonely if you will. They also were definitely fucking by this point. So fucking loud. Louis was literally being haunted by zayn by moaning liams name like a little bitch. It was horrific in all entirety. And did I mention lonely as fuck.

He was also still overwhelmed from the altercation with harry the other night. He expressed it in form of poetry, words and songs in this blue patterned journal he owned. It always helped sort through his thoughts. Singing helped him let it all out. He even owned a guitar just eating dust at the back of wardrobe cause he never played it much.

On the evening of his birthday after celebrating with his friends early when he came back to the apartment it was an unusual evening honestly.

For starters harry was back. 'Its too soon. He shouldn't be back till 3rd.'

"Why are you back" he was facing the wardrobe shoving things looking for something when louis entered. He didnt reply just turned around shoving a pair of scissors in louis hands. It was clearly evident from his puffy eyes and rosy cheeks he had been crying, and louis hasnt seen him cry for reals since the night from nightmares. And that was over months ago.

"Can you cut my hair!" the intimidating anger in harrys voice scared louis, so he simply nodded. Harry sounded so hysterical. His hair had really grown over the months curling at the edges reaching right below his ears. They were beautiful. Louis heart really ached thinking of chopping them off.

'Didn't he love them longer. He has been crying. This is an impulse decision. Obviously something is wrong he is back too soon he has been crying and now he wants to cut his hair. You know you shouldn't do it Louis. But he is scary. What if he gets angry and pushes me away. What if he hurts himself in anger. He isn't you.'

"Are you sure love, you dont look so great maybe we can do it tomorrow" he tried to reason

"Fine i ll do it myself and Dont call me that!" harry grabed the scissors stomping off to the bathroom and slamming the door closed.

Well now louis couldn't exactly let him go alone, sad and angry with a scissors.

"Harry, open up i'll do it for you. I know how to too" louis said firmly, knocking at the door. "I promise i wont ask questions let me in, please"
He said softly the last part fading.

"Its not locked"


Louis stepped in locking the door behind him. Harry had already wet his hair with water messily. It looked longer now the curls straightened while harry combed through them.

"Now that i m in here. Harry, i dont think impulsive decisions are the best way to go about it........you may regret it later." Harry was giving him that glare. Yes yes that one. That said shut up tomlinson or i will kill you.

It took a lot out of scaredy cat louis to continue talking even with that glare still here.

"You re a little bit of a mess right now. We can do something else you know something better with your hair. I could braid them even though i have no idea how or i could oil them. You dont have to do this."

"I m not a mess"

"Haz, i can tell you ve been crying. Something is obviously wrong." He gently manhandled harry on the covered toilet, keeping his hands on his shoulders. Harry was complying. "You can talk to me. Tell me what is it lo-haz" he continued deeply sighing.

'He told you not to call him love. Calm the fuck down lou'

"You don't understand. I want this. I need this. If you wont do it, just gimme the scissors" his voice was shakier rather than angry. He was almost whispering. Eyes pleading.

'Its just hair and its his choice its okay. He needs the help'

"Okay..........ummmmm maybe you should remove your upper or you know it ll have hair all over it" he whispered hesitating, and harry just raised his hands above his head.

It was moments like these, when louis was really shocked. Moments when they are even scared to speak aloud. As if the vibrations reverberating from their own vocal chords could break the other. Break the moment into shards. Moments where harry would just submit to louis. Go completely docile. The whole tough guy act lost. No muscle strength in display. No rudeness.

He gently brought his fingertips to the hem of harrys jumper waiting for any signs of uncertainty, asking for permission. When there was none he pulled it up and off harrys body dropping it on the floor. He took the comb from harrys hands gently combing through the curls before he started snipping the littlest locks just trimming the edges.

"Cut them off...please lou. Dont be difficult" 'pleading' louis obliged before he reached the hair on the back of his head. He rest the balls of his palm on the nape of his neck to stabilise his arms. Harry flinched.

'What the fuck. Did i do something?! Woah?'

Where he rest his palms he could see light tinge of red as of it was an old bruise or a very very fresh one yet to gain colour. Panic was starting to set in at louis chest. As he examined harrys back with an intent eyes he could see more bruises forming in places. It looked like he had fought with someone. Louis knew harry had a brother luke but weren't they too old to fight physically.

Till Forever Falls Apart??  (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now