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Louis wakes up 6 hours later, by the sound of harry screaming.

"What the fuck Tomlinson"

"Whot?" Louis mumbled still groggy from the lack of sleep

"What did we do"

"Nothing. What is it with you? Lemme sleep. I m tired" he said frustrated.

"I slipped next thing I know I m waking up all wrapped up in you," he says in a disgusted tone. Louis can hear the insecurity seeping through his voice.

Then it hit. 'Harry thinks I took advantage of him. Wait why doesn't he remember. He wasn't that drunk. Wait what does he mean slipped.'

"What do u mean slipped."

"That's not the point what the fuck happened here"


"Fine!" He slams the door going out.

'I hate him. No, you don't. Yes, I do he is an ass. I want to sleep, he doesn't let me'

They don't talk about it again. Louis has started to believe it's gonna be their thing not talking about it. He may be wrong though, cause later that night Harry apologizes.

'Maybe he's not so bad after all

Their friendship blossoms as weeks pass at a stretch this time. Harry does occasionally cry but he is very careful around Louis, never letting him know. even though it hurts Louis, He never tells Harry. They talk a lot. They are proper friends now. Louis likes the curly-haired boy. His hair is just so beautiful. They always talk about it and Louis really wants to touch, like really. So Harry lets him. Even though he never lets anyone touch his precious curls, he lets Louis touch them.

It shakes Louis. He doesn't let the opportunity slip. It is routine now every night Louis plays with Harry's hair while he reads a novel. Harry has become much more composed around Louis as their friendship grows. It's like instead of bringing his walls down he has been building them up as they learn about each other more.

Over the weeks Louis is sure he is becoming more and more obsessed with Harry's hair. 'pretty innit?'. They have grown over, reaching just below his ears, reaching his neck when they are wet. Curled at the tips in locks. 'so pretty'

"Do you ever oil them? They are kinda dry"

"Hey don't judge my superhero hair. They are cool" harry says playfully, defensive.

Harry is a goofy guy. Louis loves that about him. Just how easily he would joke around uplifting the mood around him. Just how easily he bought a smile to everyone's face. Louis' face.

"Come on then sit here. I'll oil them. I think you'll find it nice." Louis says tapping the space between his legs grabbing oil from his desk. Harry doesn't argue and does as told snuggling between the older's legs.

That's when Louis realizes. 'ugh why is he so tall'

"Okay....ummmm....change of plans you Burj khalifa sized monster. You are sitting on the floor cause my hands will tire trying to reach your hair this way."

Harry starts laughing, like really laughing. Even though Louis appreciates the melody his laugh produces and the warmth it gives. IT IS NOT FUNNY.

"Oh c'mon shawty, don't be like that I'll sit on the floor for you" Harry continues fakes pouting. Mimicking Louis. "Also if I'm Burj Khalifa then you are Mia khalifa." He continued laughing deeply at his joke

"One more heightest comment and I m gonna pull all your hair out you ass" 'is heightest even a word'

"HAH" he replies taking in a dramatic breath, "you would never"

Till Forever Falls Apart??  (Larry Stylinson AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang