Chapter 1: Moving to England

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I'm waking up and hear my bestie Emma saying that breakfast is ready. I get dressed and I go downstairs. I have to tell her that I don't like it anymore in Australia. We've been living here for almost a year and a half for study and in the beginning I liked it alot but I think this country doesn't suit me in how I live. I'm so scared that I'm gonna lose my bestie.

"Hey, goodmorning!" "Good morning Emma!" I greet her but still don't know how to tell her. "Do you like it here?" "Yes, you don't?" said Emma. "I don't know, I feel like this life doesn't suit me and I'm thinking of moving to England. They have a great study there and it a new start for me."
"Oh" she said. "But then I'm here alone, I still don't understand, why England and why not just move back to Holland?" "Well I just thought it is a great city and the study's are very great there and it is not far away from Holland!"
I still hope she will come with me... "Do you wanna come with me?" "No, I don't think it is great for me and I like it here" "Ok, fine"
I just pretended that I was okay with it and we finished breakfast.


A week ago I told Emma I was moving next week to England and she stayed quiet. She didn't know how to react but in the end she was happy for me. Only very sad that we wouldn't able to see each other often and because of the time difference it was harder.
I'm gonna miss her so much because we know each other from when we were two. But I'm 21 now so it is probably time to live my own live.

It's 4.00 AM and I'm moving to England today. It is a special day and the last few weeks I said goodbye to friends and family. But I would meet for the first time family in England so that will be very exciting too.

*At the airport*
Emma is also at the airport until I'm flying, I'm happy she is here. "Are you excited to go?" she said. "Yes, I'm so excited to begin this new part of my life, I know I am still young but it is such a new step" "Yeah I know, I am happy for you, hope you will find a guy😏" "Haha, yeah I hope"

*in the plane*
It will be a 24 hour flight so it is a long one. Probably I'm gonna be there on 22.00 PM because the time difference is 9 hours.
I text Emma that I'm in the plane and that I won't text or call her alot.
I hope it will be a good flight and that I'm not having a jetlag.

Everyone in the plane is sleeping except me, I still have 10 hours to go but I just can't sleep. My thoughts are also on school but I shouldn't think about that right now.
The words that Emma said are going around in her head: "I hope you will find a guy: she said. Will I ever find a guy who loves me, is funny, cute and caring about me? I don't know, I'm just a normal, innocent girl who no one knows and I don't have many friends, only a few best friends. Guys never really liked me because I was always quiet and didn't talked to them alot. But I hope it will ever come, love.

4 hours to go, not long you would say but it felt like forever. The food wasn't very good all of the times and I didn't slept the whole flight. Desperate to be there I'm looking out of the window. It is beautiful but in England it will probably be cold and raining al the time, I read on the internet it was sometimes sunny there but alot of times also not.

***Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my book Innocent girl - Lando Norris. I'm gonna post everyday a new chapter so follow me to be reminded every day and let me now what you think about it.
Also English isn't my first language so let me know when you see any mistakes. The first chapter isn't very long but the next ones will be!!***


The Innocent girl - Lando NorrisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora