Chapter 6: You betrayed me...

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The boy is also leaning forward and their lips touch. I am in shock, what is happening, I thought she liked me.

They pull back and Mila looks to the side, out of the window. I see her looking at me, she is also in shock. Her eyes are full of tears immediately, she regrets it. At least I hope that. The boy runs away and I do too. How could she do this, did I wait to long? I knew she was insecure.

I run over the streets home, I don't care how long it is. I keep running, my phone keeps buzzing. I know it is her. I feel betrayed, we weren't even together or something. I don't look back, or on my phone. I arrive at my house and shut the door very hard. And I lean with my back at the door. My mood changed so fast, how am I gonna have a good mood at the race this weekend. I should have listened to myself, keep distance from girls. It will affect your racing. But somehow she is special, she is different. But what if i can't even trust here, all girls leave because I don't know what to do but this time it already goes wrong before even a relationship. I'm tired. Of everything. I walk to my room and fall into my bed. And suddenly my bed feels even better to sleep in.


Fuck. He is gone. What did I just do. My head isn't clear, from kissing that boy to calling Lando 200 times. I don't even know the name of the boy i kissed. And Lando, he is definitely very mad, even we only kissed once and didn't really talk after that. His house is not far from here but it won't be good going to his house now.

It is late, my house is the only place I can be right now. But I don't feel safe there, sadly no one is there to be with me. With Lando I felt safe, but he shut me off. He was scared it will affect his racing, and if you can't even have a normal love life next to it then it isn't good. Somehow I feel betrayed even he didn't do anything wrong. I did. My head was somewhere else after Lando shut me off, is that good or not? With all the thoughts I try to walk and I go outside.

My house is in front of me, normally I loved the feeling of coming home but this time, it feels different. I am alone, without my parents and without my bestfriends. I need Emma right now, calling isn't gonna help, she always cuddled me if I was sad. England is good for me but in some ways also not. I walk to my house and I open the door but then I see a letter laying on the ground. From who is it?
'Mila' it says with beautiful handwriting. 'Hero' is standing at the bottom of the letter. Hero, Hero. Who is Hero. I read the first sentence and I know exactly who Hero is;


I am very sorry for the way I treated you, I don't even know you good and I wanted to apologize for what I did. I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm really sorry for that. Also going to your house after a long day at the club wasn't a good idea. You felt scared, betrayed, and above all you were a good girl and I had to ruin that for a moment because of what I did. I immediately left after that and I hope that gave you some space. I don't know if the person looking at us from the outside is your boyfriend. But if he is or you two got problems from it I am very sorry. I do always things without thinking about it and I hurt people with it. With this letter I want to show you my respect, you don't have to accept it but at least I tried. If you hurt someone because of me please show them this letter and say that your sorry. If that isn't enough put the blame on me. I'm not trying to make it up with you because I don't deserve you at all. Be happy and again I am very, very sorry.

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