Chapter 17: Stubborn

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Once the man that Ash called Dr. Meredith had cleaned up and sutured your wound, he had a conversation with Ash just outside the door of the hotel room. It was hard to make out what they were talking about, but you knew it was regarding you. While Dr. Meredith was removing the bullet and using the curved needle to guide the stitches through your skin, you gave no reaction. You would glance at him every now and again during the process to see the expression on his face. He seemed perturbed as he was stitching you up.
"Were you drugged?" Ash walked in and immediately asked. The question was startling. You laughed it off, thinking he was hilariously mistaken. When his face didn't shift, you shot your head back in annoyance over the interrogation.
"What? Of course not. I would've told you both that." You answered. Ash looked over at Dr. Meredith. He shrugged his shoulders. You furrowed your eyebrows in a testy manner.
"I don't like when people talk about me behind my back and assume they understand what's going on. I was shot, that's it." You proclaimed, greatly displeased with the demeanor Ash and Dr. Meredith held over the situation. Dr. Meredith shifted, finding you rather intimidating. Ash noticed and chuckled. He wasn't fazed by your reaction, but he still wanted to assure you.
"We're just worried and wanted to make sure nothing else was wrong." Ash stated as he crouched down to be at eye level with you again. You lifted your head up at him, sighing.
"Next time just say that to my face and be direct." You warned, leaving Ash to titter again. He nodded, amused by your attitude. You were a lot different than how you were before. He could tell that you had become far more honest about things like your feelings and your speech.
"You got it." He replied with a short smile, understanding your frustration. Ash then walked Dr. Meredith out the door and said his goodbye's once he thanked him for helping you. You continued to watch Theodore from where you were sitting. As you got up, Ash rushed over to you. He placed his hand against your back gently to make sure you wouldn't fall.
"I'm fine, I just need to see Theo." You said while placing your hand in front of you to give yourself some space from Ash. Theodore was far more important than anything at the moment. A simple wound wouldn't keep you from him either. Ash stepped back, respectful of your wishes. You sat next to Theodore. He immediately relaxed his legs and inched towards you. He nuzzled himself against you as you held him tenderly. You could hear him let out tiny sobs as he hid his face from everyone. You shushed him softly in order to help him calm down.
"I'm okay now, Theodore." You reiterated the reassurance. Ash watched on as Shorter leaned against the door frame to the entrance. He turned to leave, but not going far in case he was needed. It was just you, Theodore, and Ash. The way it had always been for nearly a year. You sighed greatly, realizing that you would definitely hear an ear full by your superiors and colleagues for going off on your own to a hotel instead of asking for assistance.
Though, they likely would comprehend your decisions after you would tell them that your entire operation would be pointless if you were to ask for their help. Despite him being dead, Arthur's gang still had close eyes on you after all. You hummed Theodore to sleep until he was relaxed enough to shut his eyes. You laid him down on the pillow to his bed. You heard shuffling in the background where Ash had scurried off to. He came out with the suitcases you had brought with all your belongings in them. You chuckled, amused by how quickly he wanted to get you and Theodore back.
"What?" Ash questioned, noticing your entertained expression.
"You're certainly in a hurry to get us out of here." You commented. Ash pouted a little.
"Well of course, look what happened to you. You think I'm gonna let you stay here after that? We're going home." Ash insisted, making you raise your eyebrows out of surprise. Your face softened a few seconds of hearing him say that specific word.
"Home." You mumbled to yourself, not realizing that you had said it out loud. Though it was a faint whisper, Ash still heard you. He turned to see that you harbored a slight frown.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't lash out at you like that." Ash felt guilty. You shot your head up at Ash, shaking your head vigorously.
"No, don't apologize to me. I'm the one that should be sorry. I lied to you about who I was all this time. I should've just flat out told you as soon as I felt the first urge to." You were a scattered mess, talking way too fast for Ash's liking. He grabbed hold of your hands with both of his own. Your breath was shaky and panicked.
"Stop, stop. I don't blame you for keeping it from me. It was your job after all." Ash responded, figuring that since your cover was blown, you wouldn't need to continue with your assignment.
"It's still my job and I plan on continuing what I've been doing." You were stern, not wanting Ash to get the wrong idea.
"But you blew your own cover, that doesn't make any sense." Ash argued, worrying for your safety. You tilted your head to the side with a blank expression.
"The only people that know are you and Shorter. Why would I stop working on my case? Unless of course you still don't trust me." You defended, making the situation clear. Ash didn't respond.
"You don't have to trust me, Ash. This entire case doesn't just involve you. It involves so many other people, especially children. It involves a drug that I'm trying to get my hands on and destroy. I care about you, but I'm not going to stop doing my job just because you don't trust me, or even because you don't want me to go through with it." You explained proudly, putting your foot down on the stance you had regarding everything you worked so hard for. Ash was visibly upset.
"I can take care of myself, Ash. I don't need anyone to save me. My job is to help others and to protect my son. That's my purpose of living." Your last words struck Ash like hot oil. There was still so much you didn't know about each other, yet, you both had so much trust to continuously give. Though, there was still hesitation, mostly on Ash's end. You could sense it. He wouldn't argue, because he knew that you could see it in his face. It was a failed attempt to even lie to you when it came to Ash. He would either come clean, or he wouldn't respond. The silence was what broke you the most. Instead of being honest, or talking through a certain situation, he would just shut himself down.
"I know it's your job." Ash sighed in defeat, knowing that your stubbornness was impenetrable.
"But I'm still allowed to worry, am I not?" Ash argued once more. You inhaled.
"Worrying and expecting me to stop doing what I'm meant to do are two different things. Even though I worry about you and wish you would stay with us, I understand that you have a job to do as well. What we do puts us at risk and we're both aware of that. But we do it anyway, because we want the people around us to eventually be safe. Whether you like it or not, I'm sticking around and I'm helping you in any way that I can, got it?" You sternly implied. Ash began to laugh wholeheartedly. He was taken aback by your level of sternness. He didn't plan on arguing against you. What you said was true after all.
"I wouldn't want it any other way." Ash admitted, realizing that there was no convincing you to steer clear of him.

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