Chapter 13: Parents Suck

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Theodore had eventually passed out after overexerting himself with excitement. He tossed and turned within the fort that the three of you built. He woke up briefly and groggily stated that he still couldn't sleep. You pulled him against you on the couch while you and Ash talked. Theodore fell asleep almost instantly, soothed by the knowledge that he was being held by you. You hummed him to sleep while you lightly ran your fingers around, twirling his curls. The vibration in your chest from the humming, and the sound of your sweet voice calming him as his head was laid against you was like a lullaby all on its own for Theodore.
Ash smiled, chuckling to himself a little. You overheard him, being interrupted from your attention towards Theodore. You looked up at Ash, he was faking a cough and covering his mouth with a balled up fist. He was acting like he wasn't showing you a vulnerable side. You smiled at first, but then frowned for a moment. You looked back down at Theodore, caressing his bare cheek as he mumbled in his sleep. You wanted to tell Ash everything so badly that it was almost as if you would be eaten from the inside out if you kept it from him any longer.
  "Something on your mind?" Ash asked. You shook your head slowly. You stopped yourself yet again, thinking of an excuse to make up.
  "I just get like this when I remember that we're in danger." You admitted. You were still being honest even though it wasn't what you actually wanted to tell him. Saying the words out loud made the thought of it hurt even more. Ash was silent, giving you his full attention.
  "Just the thought of someone hurting him makes me so terrified and pissed off all together. Imagining anyone harming him in any way makes me want to scream." You continued to be truthful with Ash. He was the only person you could ever be honest with about that kind of thing. At first you would wonder why. Ash was the only person in your life who stuck around for so long. He was the only person that seemed to understand how you felt just by giving you a simple look. Ash wasn't exactly new to the feelings you were experiencing either.
  "You can't give up on him, though." Ash spoke up, making you dart your head at him with saddened eyes. You shook your head intensely.
  "Never, I'll die before I let anything happen to my baby." Ash's expression shifted a bit before he corrected himself, returning to the same gaze he had before.
  "You seem surprised." You questioned Ash, listening to anything he needed to say.
  "I don't meet many people who would do that for their kids." Ash answered, making you tilt your head in confusion.
  "I know there are unfortunately a lot of people in this world who don't care for their children, but I would never be that way. What's the point of bringing a child into the world if you're just going to abandon them, neglect them, or abuse them? It makes no sense to me. For someone to look at a child like Theodore and only be capable thinking of ways to hurt him makes me sick." You could feel tears forming in your eyes while Ash listened to you.
  "Children are supposed to be loved and protected. There's no other way to take care of them other than that." You allowed your tears to fall, taking a deep breath, then smiling down at Theodore again. His face was absent of any expression. He looked peaceful.
  "Just the thought of losing Theo makes my heart stop. I don't ever want to know what it feels like to lose him." You whispered sternly, letting your tears escape. Ash remained quiet for a while, thinking about what you had said.
  "I used to think all parents were trash up until I met you. It amazes me the power you hold to change my perspective on things so easily. You don't even need to try, really." Ash confessed, making you smile.
  "I'm just glad you see me as a good parent. That means everything to me to know that someone who was so set on hating any parental figure would be swayed on that opinion just by watching or listening to me." You admitted, greatly appreciating those words Ash had conveyed to you.

Undercover Angel {Ash Lynx x Fem!Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin