Chapter 43: Due Diligence

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A/N: Well, I've officially moved in to my new house in a brand new state! It was a long, exhausting process driving three states over, but we finally did it. I'm still getting used to things, but the area is beautiful and filled with kind, "we're all a family" oriented people. I've always lived in areas where people are more the type to look out for themselves, so this is definitely a huge shift. But I'm for sure not complaining. We also just had a tornado warning on the 21st of this month (March 2022) and my area was at risk but no damage occurred where I lived and everyone is safe. Just extreme heavy rain, thunder, and off and on power outages. I wasn't all that motivated to get the remainder of this chapter out but I found inspiration to do so. I think I just need to rewatch Banana Fish for the 50th time to grab more motivation. That might work :). The song I've dedicated this chapter to is 'dougie jones' by Lubalin. He's not very popular but he's extremely talented so I'd definitely give him a listen. Just a short reminder so there's no confusion going forward: since this is an AU, some characters mentioned that have been killed off in the manga/anime will be used for the story just like I've discussed in previous chapters. Also, mentions of NYPD precincts are not of personal issues/opinions that I have, it's just for the story as well. I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter out since I'm still out of my element with the move, but I'll try. I have details and dialogue already written out for the story, but getting everything to mesh together is where most of the writing comes in. If I feel there's going to be a large delay, I will let everyone know. I hope everyone is doing well and that you're all safe! ENJOY! <3333333


  "Have you seen my phone?" You asked Ash, scurrying around the apartment. He vocalized while in thought. It was the following day after you and Ash had discussed everything before gently repairing your issues as best as you both could. There were of course still underlying problems floating around; though, the two of you agreed to approach them one at a time instead of shoving them together all at once. It was an assumed question you had asked yourself on whether or not it would be awkward between each other.
  That awkwardness never showed once the morning came. It had appeared that the two of you were in a state of which that you could both simply exist without feeling a need to fill the silences with conversation. You for one had desired to speak with your psychiatrist before proceeding on the matter when it came to the sensitive discussions. Ash and yourself were stubborn-headed, strongly opinionated people. It wasn't easy to accept each other's mindsets during a mentally or emotionally vulnerable scenario.
  "No, didn't you take it in your room last night?" Ash wondered, straightening his tie while he stood a few feet away from you. You were too caught up in your own miniature panic to notice.
  "I swear, you'd think I wasn't a cop with how my brain works sometimes." You joked towards yourself, making Ash crack an amused smile as a response. You looked in his direction, shooting your head back a bit in surprise.
  "Got a hot date?" You teased, slightly grinning. You figured he was only dressed in his disguise to tag along on yet another day at the precinct with you. Ash rolled his eyes.
  "No, you're always too busy." Ash bantered back. You smiled ear to ear, pursing your lips to the side before sighing.
  "You've got a lot on your mind. It's human to be forgetful." Ash reminded, in hopes that it would ease your nerves. You shook your head with a forced laugh.
  "It's not human for me." You rustled around the kitchen, without realization that Ash had headed to your bedroom. He returned shortly after, waving your phone around slyly. You exhaled, walking towards Ash.
  "Where was it?" You asked curiously. He huffed.
  "It was on your bedside table." Ash answered, ending his statement with a small, goofy snicker.
  "Fuck, I need to get my shit together." You sighed, retrieving your phone from Ash. You ran your fingers through your hair out of exhausting frustration.
  "It happens, no need to get a lobotomy or anything." Ash jabbed, resulting in you rolling your eyes. You knew more than anyone that your inability to think clearly was because of the night prior. To you, Ash didn't appear to understand the reason, but inside, he knew what it was about. The arguments you two seemed to have more often, the case itself, being away from Theodore; and being attacked twice at such an alarmingly close window of time would make anyone's head spin.
  "Ha-ha, you're so funny." You sarcastically replied.
  "Thank you for acting as my brain, though." You continued. Ash shrugged with a 'don't mention it' expression. You shot your head over at the door along with Ash after you both heard a knock. Ash headed over before you had the chance to move your feet. He checked the peephole before unlocking the deadbolt. You slowly stepped forward, curious to who it may be. A complete stranger to you had entered the apartment upon Ash's invitation. You were silent, trusting his judgement. The man was wearing a tan hat and a long matching coat, as if wishing to blend into the background of the New York City streets.
  "This is Max Lobo." Ash introduced, closing and locking the door once Max had fully entered. Max removed the hat and smiled on at you. You returned the same expression. Max stretched out his hand to shake yours. Your hands embraced in a firm connection.
  "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Y/N." Max was delighted to see you in person.
  "Finally?" You replied quickly, then immediately shaking your head of your rudeness.
  "Sorry, it's nice to meet you too. It's just that Ash has never mentioned you before." You cleared your throat a bit, letting a self-conscious laugh come out. Ash chuckled.
  "I meant to say something earlier, but—there were other important things to talk about. I figured it would be better for you both to just meet all at once." Ash explained. You nodded, being reminded of the stressful night you both had.
  "Is he the friend you were talking about yesterday?" You wondered, grinning at Ash.
  "Yeah." Ash responded plainly, recalling your unpredictable memory. Max scoffed in a jesting way.
  "Friend, huh? Is that how you speak about your father?" Max joked. You tilted your head with confusion, blinking once or twice out of disbelief.
  "Inside joke." Ash shook his head with briefly shut eyes.
  "Apologies, I'm just so used to people close to Ash being aware of everything. But it seems he's never even mentioned that I exist." Max went on, exaggerating a saddened shift in his emotions. You giggled, curling your index finger against your lips to stop yourself from laughing louder. Ash glared at Max with half lidded eyes. His annoyance was quite apparent, though, it was also clear that the vexation was mild. You caught on to the relationship they shared. It was close—indeed like a father-son type relationship. You had shown an admiring smile. Ash was in awe of your innocent reactions that he was tempted to stay.
  "I have to go out and do some investigating of my own in one of Dino's clubs. I'm taking Max along with me so don't try to convince me otherwise." Ash commented with a baiting tone. He left you to purse your lips to the side, gazing at him with semi-lidded, challenging eyes. You hummed, realizing that his extreme subject change, and ending it with such a stoic comment meant that he was dying to leave. You must have struck a tantalizing nerve in his heart.
  "Does Max have a disguise as well?" You asked, laughing to yourself soon after. Max was also taken aback by Ash's sudden outburst. It was clear that you were only messing with Ash. However, he entertained the idea by stepping in front of Max to prepare the very thing you brought up. Ash then placed his hand, palm up. Max knew exactly what he meant and handed him the item he wanted. You conveniently weren't in view to see what Ash and Max were up to. You patiently waited. Ash soon moved back and stood at Max's side to face you.
  "Actually, as a matter of fact, he does." Ash spoke, revealing that the only difference he had made on Max was slightly disheveled hair parted to the side, and a mustache. You covered your mouth with your index and middle finger. Your shoulders and chest constantly jolted as you attempted to hide the playful laughter that wished to make itself heard.
  "That's umm—that's very convincing." You muttered, clearing your throat as soft chuckles escaped. You looked at Ash, attempting to be serious over the situation. He was chuckling to himself too.
  "It's better than nothing, I guess. He's not on any radar so it doesn't need to be as tedious as mine." Ash mentioned, rolling his eyes at the thought. Max groaned, adjusting the mustache to his own comfort.
"That reminds me, Farah and I need to update your disguise because it's likely that since Golzine knows it's you under there, everyone else involved will have an easier time spotting you." You expressed, leading Ash to exhale a tiring breath. Though, he understood the reasons.
"Alright, can we do that after we're finished with this little errand?" Ash insisted once more. You crossed your arms. Ash pouted teasingly.
"I'll meet you at the precinct in an hour." Ash promised.
"You sure about that?" You challenged, making Max smile with interest over your relationship with Ash. He had thought to himself that you both really did seem closer than he was with Eiji. It brought Max immense happiness to see more people truly showed they cared for Ash.
"Scout's honor." Ash stated, lifting his hand with his palm facing you.
"How cute." You tittered on, joking in return.
"See you then." You proceeded, placing your phone in your pocket. Ash and Max were prepared to head out upon the ending of your back and forth conversation.
"Be safe." You stated before they both walked out the door. Ash turned back after Max walked into the hallway. He smiled straight at you, nodding.
"That's my middle name." Ash joked, shutting the door. His final words made you giggle to yourself.
"Goof." You said to yourself. Your phone vibrated in your pocket not long after. The message was from Ash and it read: I heard that. You laughed a bit louder, purposely even. An exhale followed the entertainment you were enjoying before leaving the apartment too.
"You will never cease to amaze me." Max commented, catching Ash's attention.
"And why is that?" Ash wondered, turning his head to stare on at Max while they walked to one of the clubs Dino owned.
"Yet another person like Eiji who's willing to do anything for you." Max explained. Ash groaned to himself.
"Within reason, I would never want either of them to get their hands dirty, especially Eiji. Y/N has seen so much in her job that I don't necessarily have to worry about her as much as I do with Eiji. But I still want to keep them both as far away from this mess as possible." Ash delved into his own fears with quite ease when it came to Max.
"Or as far away as you can keep her, right?" Max questioned, chuckling softly. Ash grinned in response.
"Is it that obvious?" Ash asked, letting out a deep titter.
"She's your protector, I get it." Max confirmed his understanding of the situation Ash and yourself were going through for the past year. Ash looked over at Max, his face muddled with an expression that read obvious helplessness.
"I don't even know how lucky I was. She told me later on the only reason we met was because she was on assignment, but to this day I can't believe we actually met. It still doesn't seem real." Ash admitted the turmoil bubbling up inside of him. Max exhaled tentatively.
"To the contrary of what you may think—and I'm sure she's told you this herself—but you have dealt with so much shit throughout your life that it's about god damn time you met someone like her." Max bluntly mentioned, making Ash expel a pleased huff. He shoved his hands in his pants pockets and proceeded to walk on with Max.
"I will never get used to you looking like that." Max proclaimed, changing the subject with ease.
"Neither will I, but it keeps me safe."
"Wow, taking her advice to heart? That's—" Ash interrupted Max's joking mannerisms.
"Unlike me, I know." Ash spoke, assuming those words were what Max was planning to say.
"No, I was gonna say it is like you." Max corrected, causing Ash to give him a confused look, laced with disbelief.
"Come on, even with Eiji you didn't know how to react sometimes. It's a lot like that even now. You always have your guard up, but with Y/N and Eiji that guard not only alleviates, but you can be yourself with them without second guessing that decision." Max went on confidently. He then smiled soon after taking a short breath. Ash wanted to speak, but reconsidered his own words.
"It's like you're in love when you're with her." Max continued, allowing his honesty to peak through some more. Ash's cheeks flushed as he cleared his throat. Max chortled enthusiastically. Ash puffed out his left cheek as a rebuttal; embarrassed by Max's keen eye.
"Hey, it doesn't take a genius to see how you two feel about each other." Max added, resulting in Ash shooting his head over at Max for a few seconds.
"What is it?" Max was curious, wishing to understand what was going through Ash's head the second after Max's previous statement was expressed.
"I got excited for a minute, but then I realized—nothing it's ridiculous." Ash refused to speak any further, shaking his head of it.
"What, you don't believe she loves you? I see it in her face Ash. Even if you don't believe it, it's as clear as day." Max reiterated in an easier way to accept.
"No, no, it's not that. I know she loves me, but the reason why I rethought what was going through my mind was because she deserves better. What happens if this case ends and all her work is done? That's it for me." Ash ended his statement with more of a whisper, wounding himself with the idea. Max scoffed wholeheartedly.
"What the hell are you on about? You honestly believe that she would get bored of you, or some other crap you got swarming around up there? You think she's only like this with you for the assignment? Are you nuts?" Max exclaimed, battling against Ash's cognitive panic over your relationship with him. Ash let out a low laugh while placing his right hand against his shoulder to grip it out of nervousness.
"You said it yourself, with the life I've had, I deserve someone to care about me, right? It's exactly because of the life I've lived that I feel I either don't deserve someone like her, or I'll just end up alone again." Ash shrugged once his negatively active brain got the better of him.
  "That's bull, Ash, and you know it. This isn't like it was before. She's there for you in a way no one else has been and she's getting shit done on the inside because she does her job the right way. She can't be bought or scared off and that's why Golzine is doing so much to get rid of her. There aren't many people like Y/N and I hope you can appreciate that of the world." Max reminded Ash, explaining that no matter how unforgiving the planet seemed, that it always brings people like you to the surface.
  "She's one in a million." Ash softly commented.
  "I know you're young and pretty stupid—and I know how dumb this example is—but if I were you, I'd do anything to keep her by my side. I made that mistake with Jessica once. I'll never do it again." Max explained tenderly, hoping it would show Ash just how much he deserved you.
  "This is the place." Ash spoke up, halting motion completely in order to shift in front of the building he and Max were in pursuit of.
  "Dino's old bar. Haven't seen this shithole in a while." Max voices his disgust in memorization of what Ash had told him the details of what went on behind the scenes with the club.

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