Chapter 22: A Whole New World

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Quietly, you trailed behind the leader, taking small, worried glances at the terrapin's large, shelled back. Leo hadn't said a word since the two of you left the lair, and it was making you nervous. The thought that perhaps he hadn't really wanted to take you back to your place briefly flitted across your mind. You wouldn't have been surprised, considering what happened last night and this morning.

You thought about apologizing, but in the unlikely event and hope that the turtle boops were, in fact, a dream, it was probably better to not bring it up.

Then again, it might be better to just air it all out. Rip it off like a bandaid.

Contemplating your next move, you failed to notice that Leo was no longer. Your forehead thunked against his shell, throwing you off balance and sending you tottering backward.

You winced in pain, rubbing the bruise quickly developing on your forehead.

Leo grinned down at you, "What's going on in that overactive brain of yours?"

Your heart fluttered shamefully just at the sound of his voice.

"Nothing." You mumbled, looking away.

He chuckled, "I find that hard to believe."

Your nose scrunched as you fired back, "And you? What're you thinking about? You haven't said a word since we left."

Leo scratched the back of his neck as a look of uncertainty passed over his features. He mumbled half to himself, "Guess I should just get it out in  the open..." Clearing his throat, he confessed, "Listen, (Y/n), I lied."

You blinked with surprise, and his gaze searched yours. "I lied about the turtle boops."

Crap. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!

You'd figured it was real. But part of you had hoped that maybe Leo (like you) would be too embarrassed to bring it up again.

"Oh," was all you were able to say, as your stomach gnawed on itself uncomfortably.

Leo sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I just thought maybe you'd feel awkward around me if you knew it wasn't a dream."

You stepped back from him, turning to bury your face in your hands and groan, "Ughhh, I knew it. I knew it wasn't a dream." Sighing with dismay, your shoulders hung with defeat. "I'm so sorry, Leo. I don't know what I was thinking!"

He chuckled, "Well, you thought it would be best to knight me with my new, illustrious title, Monsieur Cutie Patootie."

You looked at him with helpless shame. "Yeah... 'knighting.' Because everyone knows that you do that by rubbing noses." You were unable to make eye contact with him. "I'm... I'm sorry if what I did made you uncomfortable. I'm seriously so embarrassed."

Leo sighed, "See? This is why I didn't want to tell you in the first place. Listen, you didn't make me uncomfortable at all." He scratched his nose bashfully, "Although, it did take me by surprise. Ah, but I don't feel weird about it. It was just a very... uh, new sensation, I guess you could say."

You squatted down on the ground, burying your face in your arms as you mumbled, "It's ok, Leo. You can tell me; you think I'm a weirdo, don't you?"

Gently, he took hold of your elbows and pulled you back up, nudging you to look at him. His smile was warm and without judgment. "Yes, you are a total weirdo."

You groaned and tried pulling away, but he insistently drew you back as he continued, "But I think that side of you is kinda cute."

Your breath caught, and you could feel the heat beginning to gather in your cheeks.

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