Chapter 10: Body Language

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Later that night you and Leo decided to curl up on the couch and watch a movie together, much to the displeasure and incessant whining of Mikey who declared he wanted to be the first one to watch a movie with you. Unfortunately because of his actions earlier this evening, Master Splinter had him under intense training.

Poor Mikey, you mumbled. The only reason you probably got away without punishment was because you were a guest. However, you were fairly sure that even for you Leo had a breaking point that would require some form of discipline.

You'd both settled onto the couch, and Leo's arm hung languidly across your shoulders, allowing you to rest comfortably against his side.

Tonights movie of choice was the 1999 version of "The Mummy". You drooled as Brendan Fraser appeared, newly shaven and cleaned up from his previously imprisoned state. A sigh escaped your lips.

Leo glanced at you from the side, "You're into this kind of guy, huh?"

You couldn't even hide your admiration as you purred, "Yes!! His character is super dreamy in this movie!"

He rolled his eyes, "Meh, he's ok, I guess."

You sputtered in disbelief, "He's ok?! Ok?!? More like he's totally perfect!"

Leo felt himself beginning to bristle at your unsolicited praise of this man you didn't even know. He grumbled, "What's so great about him? He's just a bonehead with guns."

Pulling away from his side you folded your arms, "Excuse me, he is not just a bonehead with guns! Look at him! He's gorgeous and manly!"

Leo huffed, "Oh so you're just going after him for his physical appearances huh? How shallow."

Oh no he did NOT just go there.

Your brows knit together in annoyance, "No!! I mean, yes he's pretty, but there are other things that contribute to his attractiveness!"

Leo eyed you teasingly, "Oh yeah? like what? 'He has a great personality'?"

You pushed him playfully, "Like, he's an excellent leader who is tough, but also compassionate underneath that stony exterior. He's also good at getting his team out of sticky situations, is awkward when handling his love interest, and.... and did I mention he was handsome?" You continued to drool.

"Twice." Leo laughed.

You giggled, "I don't know, he just has that whole, 'I'm-going-to-take-care-of-you' rugged charm about him."

It suddenly occurred to you, "Actually Leo, now that I think about it, his character kinda reminds me of you.

"M-Me?!" He sputtered.

"Yeah! You're strong and you listen to others. I can tell your brothers trust you completely just by the way they follow your orders, which means you're probably a good leader." You paused and wiggled your eyebrow at him, "Awkward with your feelings when it comes to Karai." His face took on a slightly red tint.

"You're like, legitimately this character incarnate. Minus the sarcastic attitude. Though the more i get to know you, i feel like you definitely have an underlying sense of sarcasm somewhere in that stoic personality of yours."

He chuckled at that last bit, "Oh, if only you knew the things that ran through my head that have never made it past my lips."

You smiled, able to relate all too well to the sentiment.

In the comfortable silence that followed, Leo contemplated your words. He'd never been praised for his leadership skills before. He'd been doing it for so long it felt like the role was simply expected of him, and that he would do it well. He looked at you, shocked in the short time you'd known each other that you somehow recognized his efforts when no one else did. Or at least never verbalized. Realizing he'd been staring at you longer than what was likely socially acceptable, he bashfully averted his eyes from your curious gaze.

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