Chapter 13: Would You Like Some Cake?

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Despite the late hour, the heart of New York remained alive and bustling. Tall buildings twinkled, their windows shining bright with the glow of late-night workers, toiling under tight deadlines. Because the city didn't stop, neither did its inhabitants. So focused on their task, no one noticed the green blur weaving its way in and out of the shadows.

Leo's patrol was supposed to help him keep his mind off you. Instead, he found it allowed him even more time to think. His face scowled. He couldn't believe you decided to move into Raph's room. Of all people, Raph! Of course, you had to choose the one brother he frequently butted heads with. He'd probably tell you that you were justified in your anger, that Leo had been entirely unreasonable and had stuck his nose where it didn't belong.

He frowned. Unfortunately, in this instance, Leo couldn't argue with that.

What could he do to make amends? Apologize? That was undoubtedly the best course of action. He let out a soft, defeated sigh. Honestly, it was probably too late to ask for forgiveness, but maybe you two could come to some sort of understanding. But what if you couldn't? What if you decided to completely shut him out forever?

His hands ran over his face as he groaned, uggghhh, of all the things he was skilled at, why couldn't resolving this issue be one of them?

An alarm sounded in the distance, and Leo noticed a handful of Foot soldiers emerging from a store.

Unsheathing his blades, he growled, "You're just in time, boys, I needed to blow off some steam."

He descended upon the unsuspecting group, erupting the alleyway into a cacophony of clanging metal. Leo could tell he was in a bad mood. Even with their overwhelming numbers, the ninjas didn't land a single blow on him. Each blade pointed in his direction was quickly cut down, and after a few minutes, their bodies laid scattered on the ground before him. Not dead, of course. Even with his rotten mood, Leo wasn't about to take a life unnecessarily. Another thing he and Raph disagreed about concerning Shredders underlings.

He sighed, prodding one body with his foot, "Jeez, I thought I'd work up some sort of sweat at least." Leo peered down at their motionless figures sadly, "What a waste of a life. You could be doing so much more than this..."

"Having issues with your brothers listening to you again, Leonardo?" A pair of soft feet landed delicately behind him. "Or is talking to the unconscious a new habit of yours?"

Leo recognized the owner's voice instantly. Karai. Oddly, her presence didn't conjure the butterflies he usually felt when she was near.

He straightened, tossing her an unamused glance, "Ha. Ha. Very funny."

Karai studied the back of his rigid form carefully. Something was off. Where was the blushing mess of a leader she was accustomed to seeing? Intrigued, she smirked and teased, "You know, you could always fight with us, instead of against us. Then you could talk to these men while they're still, I don't know, actually able to hold a conversation. Wouldn't that be thrilling?"

He clenched his hands into fists, "Better yet, why don't you join us? I've told you before, Splinter would gladly welcome you back." Leo turned to face her, "He's your father, Karai, not Shredder. Why can't you see that?"

She rolled her eyes, "This again? Aren't you getting a little tired of spouting this nonsense?"

He sighed. It was always the same thing, "At least consider joining our team, if nothing else. You could do so much good..."

She let out a disbelieving snort, "And be a goody-two-shoes like you? Pass. Unlike you, I'm free to do whatever I want. You should try it sometime."

Leo turned away from her in frustration and grumbled, "You know I can't."

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