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Honey Baker thought she did a good job of hiding her emotions. She had no idea that everyone, namely Ben, could see the hearts in her eyes as she stared at Ben's girlfriend, Audrey. The hearts that have been in her eyes for years.

The three grew up together, Ben and Honey being best friends, and Audrey and Honey being best.....frenemies? No matter how many times the young prince forced the two girls to spend time together, Audrey never got any nicer to the other girl. In Audrey's eyes, Honey wasn't good enough to be hanging out with the future King of Auradon. She didn't think Ben should be best friends with a "peasant". Audrey thought so very little of the Baker girl. Honey just thought Audrey was the prettiest girl in all of Auradon.

Audrey wasn't the only one at Auradon Prep who gave Honey a hard time. The red-headed girl was constantly surrounded by people who didn't think she belonged, and she often had a hard time disagreeing with them. She didn't have a big house or fancy clothes like most of her peers, she wasn't anywhere in line for the throne, she didn't have the bravery and skills of a hero. She was just a baker's daughter.

Well, the baker's daughter. Her dad was the Royal Baker, the most important baker in all of Auradon. Basically, her father was tasked with providing any and all baked goods for the Royal Family. According to the Queen and King, Hubert Baker was the best baker in all of Auradon and should deserve all the praise and benefits that come with his title. In exchange for being the Royal Baker, Honey was allowed to attend Auradon Prep, and the many festivities and events that went along with being a student there.

Though it wasn't an officially agreed-upon perk, Belle often assisted the girl with the formal part of living among royals. The woman would loan dresses to the girl, invited her over for makeovers, anything to help her feel less ostracized. The girl grew up without a mother, something Belle was familiar with, so she knew how hard it could be to not have a positive female figure in her life. To not have a mother to come crying to when life gets tough. Belle was more than happy to fill that role.

The Royal Family truly treated her as their own, but they could never replace her dad. Hubert Baker was the kindest man she had ever met, with a big heart and an even bigger smile. The poor man was heartbroken when his wife left him for a younger man, but he couldn't stay down long with Honey by his side. If Hubert was a ray of sunshine, then Honey was the whole damn sun. Despite all the biting remarks from her classmates and their families, Honey still managed to light up a room with her dazzling smile.

That very smile lit up her father's bakery as she loaded up a tin with the cookies she had just made. The place was a lot bigger than it used to be, the pace being expanded when he got his title. It wasn't often Hubert Baker could be found in his own bakery anymore since he was usually stationed in the castle's kitchens, so the shop was mostly being run by Honey during the summer and winter breaks and a family friend when Honey was in school. She liked to pop in from time to time, like now, when she wasn't in classes just to check up on things and bake the occasional treat.

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