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"You know...I've been thinking," Mal whispers, glancing at Honey who was fast asleep at the kitchen table while the others were huddled in the corner.

"Uh oh," Jay jokes, laughing until Mal punched his arm.

"Ssshhh! Anyways, I've been thinking, and wouldn't it be better if two of us were in the front row instead of just one?"

"Yeah, but how-"

"Honey's in the front row too," Carlos cuts Jay off, realizing where Mal is going with her plan.

"Exactly." She points at him with a smirk. "So...all we have to do is figure out who'll give her the love spell."

"No!" Everyone stared in surprise at Evie's outburst. Noticing the looks, she quickly tried to recover. "I mean...Ben only said that Honey was allowed in the front, not Honey and a date. She's probably not allowed to bring anyone with her." She silently prayed they would take her excuse as her just being logical instead of something else.

"Okay, maybe not," Mal admitted reluctantly, momentarily looking defeated before she perked up again. "Oh! But, with the love spell, she'd listen to whoever put her under the spell. So maybe..."

"We can make her steal the wand," Jay realizes, he and Mal smirking at the brilliant plan. "That's perfect! No one would suspect her."

"I don't know, guys. This doesn't feel right." Carlos glanced at the sleeping redhead with hesitation. Evie sighed in relief once she realizes she wasn't the only one not on board.

"Yeah, I agree. We can pull this off without getting her involved."

"She's already involved. She helped us make the damn cookies!" Mal pointed out loudly, freezing when she noticed Honey start to stir. As they all waited to see if she'd wake up, Mal took the time to inspect her best friend. The last time she'd seen her act like this was when one of them was in trouble, but even that was different. Her earlier assessment that Evie was getting too attached was right. She just hoped it didn't get in the way of the mission.

"Please," Evie looked at them, mostly Mal, pleadingly, catching them all by surprise, "leave her out of this." After a few seconds of Evie and Mal staring at each other, Mal came to a conclusion.

"Fine," she started, watching as a weight seemed to be lifted off of Evie's shoulders. "We'll leave her out of this...for now."

Signaling the end of the conversation, the oven's timer started going off, fully waking Honey up from her slumber. She groggily picked her head up off the table, eyes moving from the oven to the group in the corner.

"Hey, guys," Honey said with a sleepy smile. "I think the cookies are done."

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