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So it turns out, Honey had not been as great at time management as she thought.

When they're baking, Honey and Hubert Baker can really get carried away. At first, she couldn't decide what she wanted to make the new students, so she at first went with cookies since it was the obvious choice, but then her dad suggested they make croissants. She wasn't about to turn down croissants, so they started making those too. Then, the kitchen got a fresh shipment of fruit preserves, and the father-daughter duo came up with the brilliant plan to make fruit tarts.

In other words, Honey Baker was late.

She probably looked like a madwoman, peddling down the streets on her bike as fast as she could with a wicker basket full of treats on one handle. Halfway to the school, she'd realized that she probably could've asked one of the royal family's limo drivers to give her a ride, but it was too late now.

So here she was, a bit sweaty and her face a little red, covered in more baking ingredients than when she left Ben's room, bursting through the school's entrance with her basket, bike discarded somewhere on the lawn.

"I'm here! I'm here. I'm-Oh goodness..." Honey bent over, trying to catch her breath, missing the stares she was getting from Ben and the group.

Ben laughed awkwardly before tearing himself away from his girlfriend who sent the redhead a glare. He pulled his friend to the side, slightly frowning at his friend's appearance but choosing not to comment on it.

"What happened?! I was worried you wouldn't show up and...why do you have a basket?"

"Yeah, so, funny thing. I wanted to make something for the Isle kids and may have gotten carried away..."

"Why am I not surprised," Ben groaned, running a hand over his face before plastering a smile back on and turning to the new students.

"Okay, guys. This is my best friend Honey. She's gonna show the girls to their dorm-"

"I am?"

"-while Doug shows the boys to theirs. Sound good? Good, okay." He lightly pushed his friend in the girls' direction knowing she wouldn't make the first move. "I'll see you later, okay? And if there's anything you need, feel free to-"

"Ask Doug or Honey," Audrey cuts her boyfriend off, laughing awkwardly with the purple-haired girl before dragging Ben away from the new students before he could protest.

Honey looked to Doug, unsure of what to do next. She had literally just shown up and didn't know what to do next.

"Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." Doug trails off eyes connecting with the blue-haired girl. Honey looked at her too, finally taking in her appearance, and she was almost positive that if she were in a cartoon, she'd have big hearts for eyes. "Heigh-ho."

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