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One problem with being best friends with the future king was that he was always so busy. She hardly got to spend time with him anymore between his princely responsibilities and his clingy girlfriend. She tried her hardest to be understanding, but while he was constantly being surrounded by people, she was often left feeling lonely.

To keep herself occupied, and from going insane, Honey found comfort in books. When not in the kitchen, she could usually be found somewhere in the library with her nose stuck in a book, definitely something she picked up from hanging around Ben's mom.

Ben walked to the back of the library, finding Honey sat by herself as he expected, and plopped himself down on the sofa next to her.

"Hey. Thought I'd find you here," Ben speaks up, causing Honey's head to shoot up and finally acknowledge his appearance. She furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed he was still in his Tourney uniform.

"Are you supposed to be in practice or something?"

"No, I just came from there actually. I just wanted to see how you're doing."

Ben wasn't blind, he knew Honey had a hard time fitting in and didn't have many friends beside him. He couldn't force everyone to like her, unfortunately, but he could make sure he was there for her whenever he could.

"I'm peachy keen, jellybean," she responded, flashing him a bright smile. "Actually, I was hoping to talk to you, see how the Isle kids are doing." She didn't mention the strange encounter she had with Mal and Evie last night, not wanting him to be concerned.

"Funny you should ask, actually. Guess who tried out for the Tourney team."

She knew Evie wouldn't be caught dead doing something so rough and dirty, Mal wasn't likely to join any school sports or clubs, and Carlos didn't seem like the athletic type, so she assumed it was Jay.

"I'm guessing Jay?" Her guess was proved correct when Ben nodded excitedly.

"Yup! And Carlos. Well, sort of. Jay made it and then told Coach he wouldn't do it without Carlos."

"So I'm guessing Carlos could use some improvement, then?" Ben laughed along with her, nodding his head. "Well, if anyone can teach him, it's you."

"They seem cool, right? A little different, but I think they'll really like it here. It looks like they're already giving it a shot." Honey stared at Ben as his face lit up talking about them. She could tell how passionate he was about his first proclamation, how dedicated he was to making it work.

"I really think this will work, Ben. I hung out with the girls yesterday," she smiled as she thought back to how she bonded with the other girls before she was unceremoniously kicked out. "Hopefully I can help them feel a little bit more welcomed."

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