dinner for six

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Kelsey was completely and utterly exhausted by the end of the week.

She had spent day after day job hunting until she finally swiped a job at the bangin diner just 5 minutes from her petite townhouse. Rebecca lent some cash to Kelsey against her will and she may or may not have accidently spent half of it to acquire some illegal substances.. maybe. Of course, Rebecca would never find that out till the day she dies.

Kelsey woke up with the summer heat radiating through her open window, causing her to throw all source of warmth off of her bed. She groaned when her bedside alarm clock rang and rang and rang. She smacked it with all her strength, nearly breaking the damn thing. It was her first day at the new job and she knew she'd have to actually try at this, she couldn't just slack off like she did the entirety of high school.

She rolled out of bed, literally rolled, and onto the floor. Her and Rebecca had gone to a college party last night and got completely throwed and nearly broke their 'no boys' pact. Luckily they didn't, but the two of them suffered massive hangovers the next morning.

She threw on the old timey blue waitress dress that she picked up from the diner days prior. She didn't understand why the waitresses had to dress as if they were from the 50s. Like, it's the most uncomfortable dress but you have to wear it to attract people to the diner, as her boss likes to put it. Kelsey hated the way men objectified her once she, how do you say this, 'grew into her body'. Even her relatives began treating her differently when she hit puberty. Like she was some attraction at a theme park and not Kelsey.

She messily tied her brown locks back and applied very light makeup, and Kelsey's definition of light makeup is eyeliner, blush, mascara, lip tint, and highlight of course. As much as she hated the dress, she did look pretty damn hot in it.

She ran down the stairs, skipping the last few steps as always, and threw on her light blue Vans to match the dress. Her mother was sitting at the dining table, reading through piles of bills. "Your brother is bringing his girlfriend for dinner tonight." She announced to Kelsey, who was just about to exit the door. "Didn't even know Stevie had a girlfriend."

"Invite Rebecca and James, will you? I haven't seen him since he visited last year." Kelsey's jaw just about dropped at her mothers request. Bring James? Rebecca she can handle, that's her best friend, but Bucky? Her house was her safe space and her mother wants to bring the monster into her safe space? Traitor.

Kelsey didn't fight her mothers request, she knew her mom would win that battle every time. Instead she kissed her goodbye and grabbed the skateboard she 'bought' last week and headed down to the diner.

Almost every person she skated past knew who Kelsey was. They'd let out a few 'hey girl!'s and 'shwing's along the way. Most of the men Kelsey would just flip off and the girls she mainly ignored. She was far to busy too deal with anyone's shit this summer. Far too much on her mind.

She arrived at the diner less than a minute before her shift started. No one goes to diner's at noon so she didn't understand why she had to work so early. It's summer, let the poor girl sleep in.

Her boss, Ricky, gave her a pen and pad to jot down orders, which felt unnecessary since the only souls in that diner were the two of them, another waitress, and the cook. So, Kelsey sat on the red leather barstool and chewed the end of her pen until she had an actual job to do.

As if on que, Bar Harbor's very own Sam Wilson, along with the dreaded Steve And Bucky, piled into the diner. The sound of their laugher and the chime of the bells hanging over the door was enough to turn Kelsey's attention almost immediately over to the three of them.

summer 94' - bucky barnes x ocOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz