sam and becca

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Kelsey ignored Bucky and Rebecca until the day of the carnival.

Neither of them got sleep that night, instead they lied awake with their formidable feelings. Or maybe it was the fact that the two didn't speak another word to each other for the remainder of the night.

After the the hug, the feelings for one another were anything but blurry. They were 100% in the open, obvious, right there. Of course, it was very obvious to one another, but both of them were flooded with their feelings.

Rebecca had shown up at the house the day after, but Kelsey forced Steve to make up some lame excuse as to why she couldn't hang out.

The same went for Bucky. Steve begged him to help him work on his beat up car, considering Bucky's dad taught him at a young age about the severity of a cars 'health', but he seemed to always have an excuse. Whether it was a stomach flu or just straight up "I don't want to", he had successfully managed to avoid Steve at all cost.

Kelsey decided to reunite with Rebecca tonight at the 4th of July carnival. Peter told her that Bucky was driving her, so Kelsey took this opportunity to see either one of them. Possibly even both.

She made it a point not to tell Peter about the feelings for Bucky. She loves him to death, but he has a slight problem of keeping secrets to himself. She'd be sitting with Peter listening to the newest record and Bucky would always cloud her thoughts. She'd even feel a smile start to creep on, but quickly fade away once she remembered the stubborn silence that they ended the night with.

What ate away at Kelsey's head was the pact her and Rebecca made at the beginning of the summer. The vow they pinky promised on. She was thrilled with the idea of avoiding boys the entire summer, spending all the time with her best friend. But now she was daydreaming of one in particular.

Scarlet woke Kelsey up with wet slobbery kisses against her face along with the hot summer sun. She readjusted her eyes to see the clock that read 1pm. She wasn't surprised, she fell asleep at around 4 in the morning just as Steve was leaving for work. Her mother was going through another one of her drunken episodes because of God knows what.

The distracted girl occupied herself with cleaning until it was time to get ready. She wiped and re-wiped all the windows then wiped one more time for good measure. Admittedly, she was trying to wipe away the filthy thoughts of Bucky along with the dirt on the glass.

Steve promised a ride to the carnival but he didn't arrive home from work until 6pm. Kelsey had gotten dressed 3 hours before that, wearing light washed jeans with a festive red tank top with her worn out Vans. Half of her brown hair was pulled back, tied in a red ribbon. A plentiful amount of makeup covered her clear skin along with messily applied eyeliner and a layer of red lipstick.

She sat impatiently on the vintage couch in the living room, posture straight and foot tapping along with the melody playing in her head. Every screech of a tire outside made her jolt out of her seat, expecting to see Steve's broken down car. She was thoroughly disappointed each time.

Meanwhile, Bucky was tearing through his closet like a teenage girl in hopes of finding something reasonable to wear. He heard Rebecca on the phone with who he assumed to be Peter, and accidently discovered that the girl who's been on his mind would make an appearance at the event of the summer. He decided on lightly colored jeans nearly identical to the pair Kelsey had picked out, with a button up striped shirt. He let his growing hair fall perfectly messy on the top of his head, a strand unfortunately tickling his  forehead every few minutes.

At long last, Steve busted through the doors of the Rogers residence, sending Kelsey to her feet. "Ugh, about time!" She complained while grabbing her wallet from the messily decorated coffee table. Steve groaned and flipped the girl off as she winked and ran out the door to the car.

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