school girl crush

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Kelsey stayed mostly in her room that entire week, but Bucky managed to slip in more than once.

She couldn't get the image of him out of her head. His ruffled hair and kiss stained lips. She laid awake nearly every night and kept replaying the moment in her head. It didn't help that she had the pictures from the photo booth placed underneath her pillow. The kiss caught in slow motion. The hot and heavy moment that stuck with her every second.

The alluring images of the night stuck with him as well. The thought of lipstick smeared down to the girls chin preoccupied Bucky's mind more than he'd like to admit. A girl had never made him go this crazy before. He'd never dreamt of a girl in the ways he dreamt of Kelsey. It was a new experience for him and he couldn't decide if he liked it or not.

After the photo booth, the two caught up to the group and avoided each other the rest of the night. Not even sharing their usual secrets glances or flirtatious gestures. Just completely ignored one another.

Bucky kicked himself for not saying more, for not doing more. He wanted to trail his hands up under her shirt, rip away any piece of clothing that stood between the two of them. But more importantly he wanted to tell her how badly he'd wanted the it to happen. How he was constantly bombarded with the thought of her every second of the day. He even wanted to explain to her the exact moment he finally realized the feelings that had been growing over the past few weeks. But he let her go with no answers to the questions that crowded her head.

Kelsey's thoughts faded away when a loud knock came from the other side of her door. She groaned in response and Steve poked his head in her room. "Buck's comin by tonight and I gotta get to work. Clean downstairs for me?" Steve didn't really ask, more so told her what she needed to do.

Her stomach did a flip at the name. Why is he coming over? He literally sees Steve like everyday, she thought to herself. All she managed to do was roll her eyes and nod in response. She threw her head back down on the pillow once Steve shut her door and shut her eyes tightly to try and block out all the thoughts in her head.

Kelsey decided to get dressed up for.. no particular reason. She put on her favorite dress and applied eyeliner and mascara then headed downstairs to clean. Her mother was passed out upstairs and God knows Scarlet wasn't gonna help her clean, so Kelsey was on her own.

She brought her record player downstairs and played Pearl Jam while sweeping up the kitchen. She slid across the floor, dancing along with the music for what felt like hours. This was the first time she was in a somewhat good mood, so she was gonna take advantage of it.

For once, her mind wasn't filled with intrusive thoughts of Bucky and his strong hands and his floppy brown hair. Oh and you can't forget the way his blue eyes glimmer in the sunlight-


Okay, so maybe she was still thinking of Bucky. God, why was she thinking of him so much? He's a distraction. A bump in the road to success. Every successful women experiences a bump in the road, and Kelsey's was her best friends older brother. It's still a bump! If she just distances himself from him the thoughts will distance with him. It's just a school girl crush, nothing more. Yeah, maybe they made out in a photo booth, but it's still just a crush.

Just stay away from him.

Stay away.

Stay away.

"We're home!" Shit.

Bucky's eyes landed on the girl almost instantly, speechless from the way she looked. Her hair was ruffled from dancing around and her dress came just below the hem of her lacey underwear. And her face, oh her face. She was so effortlessly beautiful. So beautiful.

summer 94' - bucky barnes x ocWhere stories live. Discover now