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Kelsey had a habit of reminiscing over lost relationships.

She'd lie awake at night, counting the cracks in the ceiling as she replayed memories that seemed so vivid yet we're so far gone to tell real from not real. She had her own little game of 'he loves me, he loves me not' only with memories that seemed like a figment of her imagination.

Kelsey missed her mother. She was here physically yet she hadn't seen her emotionally in years. They used to count the stars late at night and her mother would even paint her nails and do her hair before a school dance. They had a friendship, yet the memories were so faded she thought she'd made most of it up on her own.

Rebecca was the one who's stuck by Kelsey through it all. Ever since they were born they were at each other's hip 24/7.

Kelsey could feel her friendship with Rebecca slipping away at every moment, as if every time they were together recently they were looking at a faded photograph of a friendship from their childhood. A friendship that they assumed would last forever. A friendship they couldn't see themselves living without. A friendship that was becoming merely a memory.

She felt hypocritical for this, like really hypocritical, but Kelsey couldn't help but wonder why Rebecca hadn't told her about her going away with Sam. There was no goodbye, no usual gossip session, no getting high on the roof and accidentally letting the secret slip out, nothing.

They started off this summer with a pinky promise, no boys for the entire summer. Not even nearing the end of this 3 month journey and their friendship was already suffering from the secret keeping and illicit romance.

Now that her father was back, more worn out memories flooded in without a warning. It was as if her head felt dizzy because she was far too overwhelmed with the confusing feelings. Confusing feelings with Bucky, confusing feelings with her fathers return, confusing feelings with her and Rebecca's friendship, everything was confusing for one of the first times in a long time.

Kelsey had fixed her makeup within the 30 minutes it took for Bucky to make his way to her house. After her little breakdown her mascara ran from her eyes to her chin. She didn't want him to see her like that, not because she was worried what he'd say, but because she didn't want to appear weak.

After standing in front of her door for a little too long with her hand on the knob, she had finally gave in and walked down the creaky steps that seemed louder now that her father was here. Maybe it was because she was trying to sneak past or maybe it was because she could here a pin drop because of the silence that filled the Rogers small townhome.

Her father was now sat on the stool at the kitchen island that Bucky had sat in only hours ago was eating Kelsey's last cookie.


"Hey, hon." Her father gave Kelsey a simple smile, one with no regret remorse, one that simply just said nothing.

Kelsey nearly gagged at his small gesture but ultimately returned the smile. "Have you seen Scarlet?" She asked as she eyed the room around her. "Who's Scarlet?"

"My dog." Kelsey rolled her eyes only once her back was turned to the man. Out of the corner of her eye she had noticed the back door slightly cracked open and instantly began to panic.

"How long has the door been open?" She asked as she began rushing over with her panic beginning to arise. "I don't know, didn't notice." Her father replied, not turning even the slightest bit to face his daughter.

"Scarlet!" Kelsey yelled as her words echoed through the house, but the dog she'd gotten attached to didn't come running as she always does. Kelsey mumbled an unhealthy amount of swear words as she ran out the back door. "Kelsey!" Her father called out for her in a tone that truly did not care.

Her bare arms hit the summer heat, along with the slight breeze flowing through the leaves of the trees. The orange sunset illuminated her dangling silver earrings and her glossy eyes.

Kelsey began calling out for Scarlet as she ran through the now empty streets of Bar Harbor. The birds sung high above her and the crickets chirped along. The slight crashing of waves and the faint jingle from an ice cream truck echoed around her.

Usually she'd find this beautiful. Small things like that she loved, the small things in nature. But under the circumstances, Kelsey was getting closer and closer to another breakdown.

At first, Kelsey was iffy about the whole dog thing. Her mother made the impulsive decision of rescuing a dog when she knew she'd never take care of it. When Kelsey walked down the streets on the way to the pet store that first day with Scarlet, she had known from that moment that she'd create an attachment with the small animal.

Scarlet was practically on the level of Kelsey and Rebecca's friendship. After such a short time with the puppy it felt as if she'd had her for years. She felt like she'd go crazy if the dog would end up gone, and she really did.

Kelsey had walked nearly a mile around the entire town, circling through parks and trespassing in people's backyards calling out for Scarlet. She hadn't forgotten about Bucky, but for the time being Scarlet was more important.

She had began giving up, as much as she hated. She came across a white picket fence and her legs practically gave out. She leaned her back on the cool material and slid down, leaving her hands on the ground on either side of her. That's when she let go.

Kelsey completely broke down. Hot tears streamed down her face, feeling like they were boiling her skin. Her eyes burned and became unnaturally puffy, leaving redness all round. Her held her shaky hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs. She tried to breath in the oxygen but she couldn't get a single deep breath in.

Then that's when he showed up. Him and his BMW Z1, him and his screeching tires Kelsey could recognize from a mile away, him and his boyish smile that gave her those cliché butterflies, him and his stupid face that Kelsey liked more and more every day.

"Kels?" Bucky parked in front of the sidewalk she had claimed and stepped out of the car with, to Kelsey's surprise, Scarlet snuggled up in his arms. Kelsey let out a much needed sigh of relief and instantly got up and ran to the boy. She didn't care about her runny makeup or bloodshot eyes, all she cared was that she had her Scarlet and her something.

Kelsey pulled Scarlet from his arms and took her in her own, bringing her close to her chest and closing her eyes while pressing a soft kiss on top the puppies head. Scarlet sniffed away at her, snuggling into her neck.

Kelsey looked up at Bucky with her teary eyes through her long lashes, a sad smile overtaking each other's features. One look at him and she was once more flooded with tears, yet refused to let them fall.

"Come here." Bucky placed his hand on the back of Kelsey's head and brought her to his chest, wrapping his other arm around her back. She and Scarlet nuzzled into the boys chest, Kelsey sinking into the familiar scent.

That's when she completely gave in, letting every last tear fall. Bucky could feel her tears staining his white shirt, but frankly, he didn't care. He'd never seen Kelsey like this and it broke his heart. All he managed to do was whisper a few "shh's" and tell her it was okay.

Kelsey leaned into him, getting lost in the sound of his heartbeat. Scarlet pawed her way up to Bucky's shoulder, letting Kelsey wrap her arms around his waist.

They stayed like that for what seemed an eternity, but it went by in an instant. Kelsey pulled back, leaving her eyes trained on the ground as she wiped off the drying tears while Bucky held Scarlet to his chest.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was raspy and cracked from the sudden amount of emotion she'd endured, and she was utterly embarrassed. Bucky shook his head and took his free hand to lift up her head, placing one finger on her chin while the rest laid sloppily on her jaw.

He knew no matter what he'd say she would keep apologizing, so he didn't try for the time being. All he did was look into her sad eyes, those eyes that had flooding amounts of emotions, and whispered, "Let's go home."

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