a silent agreement

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"You woke up in Bucky's bed?" Peter gasped as he brought his head back up from underwater. "You're so screwed!"

Kelsey splashed the lukewarm water in the boys face as a way of telling him to shut up. "It wasn't like that! I was throwed and had no where else to go." She attempted to redeem herself, but Peter wasn't buying into it.

The morning after the Danny Houser incident, a dazed Kelsey woke up in a certain arch nemesis's bed with zero reciliation of the night before. Bucky, of course, slept on the floor while the drunken girl laid passed out in his bed. Rebecca had stayed at Peter's that night so she had no idea Kelsey slept in her brothers room.

Bucky didn't get much sleep. He stared at the ceiling nearly the entire night blaming the intrusive thoughts on hormones. He didn't understand why he was thinking these things, so he repeated the same thing in his head like a broken record.

It's just because she's wearing my clothes in my bed. Nothing more.

"Or maybe deep down you wanted to fuck him so you purposefully got in the fight with Rebecca so he had no choice but to take you home." Peter's new friend, Mj, began questioning from the towel she was rested on just up on the hill by the water.

He had met her at the skating rink before he puked his brains out in the bathroom. She was perfect for him, awkward and weird but beautifully intriguing.

Kelsey scooped up a rock from the sandy bottom of the river and chucked it Mj's way, missing by a few feet. Mj stuck her tongue at the girl as she stood up and swung into the river on the makeshift rope swing, splashing the boy and girl.

Kelsey and Peter tried their best to block the the splash but ultimately failed, soaking the last bits of dryness on them. Mj emerged from the water, her long curly brown hair now drenched and dripping with water, laughing at the two of them.

Peter pushed down on her head, sinking her back under the water as Kelsey giggled at their childish antics. She hiked out of the river to her damp jean shorts that were thrown over a mossy log. The extra joint she had brought was split in half and soggy from the splashing. She sighed in disappointment and threw on her bottoms and an unbuttoned shirt over her bikini top after drying off.

"I'm outtie, use protection!" Kelsey teased while waving and biking away on her yellow bike. While she biked through the alluring forest, she hummed along with the song birds rested high up in the tall trees which the golden sun peeked through. Dodging out of place rocks and dipping through the small craters in the dirt until she made it back to the civilization of Bar Harbor.

She cautiously swiped the back of her hand against her forehead, drying off the beads of sweat that dripped due to the summer heat. Her lips dried from dehydration and her legs grew tired from the constant peddling, so she decided to make a pit stop by the diner she worked at to get a drink of water and give her worn out body a rest.

She propped her bike on the side of the baby blue building and opened the door, causing the rusty bell to ring. "Hey Peggy, mind getting me a water?" She sat herself on the cool leather barstool and tapped her fingers on the silver counter, mimicking the song the birds sang. "Sup, mini Rogers."

Kelsey pivoted her head to be faced with Bucky who towered over her. She scoffed, facing back in front of her to the counter. The pair hadn't talked nor seen each other since the morning after the Danny Houser incident. After repeatedly apologizing to Rebecca for being a drunken mess,  Kelsey begged her to come to her house instead of the other way around, just in hopes to avoid the boy.

He took a seat on the stool directly next to Kelsey's and rested his arms on the counter, intertwining his fingers. He bowed his head down, eventually turning to look at her through his unfair long lashes. His eyes roamed her body, noticing her lack of clothing. The egg shell white shirt unbuttoned to reveal her plaid light purple bikini top. He quickly readjusted his eyes back to her face when he realized where they were subconsciously headed.

summer 94' - bucky barnes x ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon