illicit romance

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Kelsey and Bucky had been sneaking around for about 2 weeks now.

Late night randevus and secret phone calls had already made this Kelsey's most memorable summer. They had their own secret routine. He'd call her in the morning and they'd talk for an hour, then again at night he'd talk her to sleep through the phone. Somedays he'd stop by the diner and others they'd sneak out to the beach at around 1 in the morning. Kelsey had gotten so used to this she'd get nervous when his call wouldn't come through at exactly 9 AM.

Bucky felt the same. He'd make time to see her for even just a minute each day. Whether it was dropping something off to Steve or brushing his shoulder against hers when she'd be at his house hanging out with Rebecca, he'd always make time.

"This one or this one?" Kelsey held up two bikinis that were practically identical. One was a light purple and the other was a dark red, almost burgundy.

Today was the annual beach day between the Rogers and Barnes family. Since Rebecca's parents are out of town and Kelsey's mom was going through a rough patch for whatever reason, the kids decided to invite Sam, Peter, Mj, Wanda, and Pietro.

"The purple one cause I need to wear this one." Wanda snatched the burgundy one right out of her hand and held it up to her body. Kelsey laughed over the Bon Jovi echoing through her room and complimented Wanda nearly a hundred times.

Suddenly, the phone began ringing and Kelsey ran to it like her life depended on it. "You have to be quiet." She begged before picking up the shiny red phone. "Rogers residence."

"You know, you could just say hello when you answer the phone like a normal person." A bright smile lit up Kelsey's face as Bucky's voice came from the phone. Her stomach did nearly ten flips before she could even respond. "You know, you don't have to be such an asshole."

She heard the huff of laugh that so graciously made her cover the speaker of the phone and squeal at Wanda with joy. She laid down on her bed while kicking her feet in the air and twirled the phone cord between her fingers, getting back to her conversation with Bucky.

"Still beach day?" Kelsey asked while staring at the poster of Motley Crue plastered on her door. "We're all getting ready now. Sam won't take his hands off Becca, it's getting kinda annoying."

"You're being hypocritical, Buck." She laughed while peeking over at Wanda to make sure she was okay. She was rummaging through Kelsey's old records and switched the Bon Jovi one for the newest Fleetwood Mac record.

"Yada-yada-yada, I'll see you at the beach." Bucky gave a kiss through the phone before he hung up, mocking the one Kelsey always does. She dropped her head and buried her face in the blankets and let out a muffled scream, causing Wanda to jump.

"Jesus, are you okay?" Wanda rushed over to the girl and tapped her shoulder cautiously. Kelsey jerked her head up and revealed a beaming smile. Wanda rolled her eyes and playfully slapped her arm, returning to the records.

"Wands, I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am!" Kelsey jumped from her bed and started skipping around her room. Scarlet trailed behind her back and forth until she was too worn out.

"Kelsey, can you come down here?" Katherine's muffled voice came from downstairs and Kelsey gave Wanda an apologetic smile before rushing down. She was sitting at the wooden dining table with piles of papers sloppily thrown around in front of her.

"What's up, Mom?" Kelsey ran and laid flat out on the couch, propping her feet up onto the cluttered coffee table. Katherine let out a sigh as if she had been holding in her breath, and dramatically took off her reading glasses. Her body language made Kelsey worry, she had gotten pretty good at reading her mother.

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