Morgans what?!

43 1 0


Pepper - StarksBWFL
Tony Stark - Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark

StarksBWFL: Have you still not found her?

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Me? I thought you were looking for her?

StarksBWFL: Tony...

StarksBWFL: I spend everyday cleaning up after you. HOW CAN I HAVE TIME TO LOOK FOR HER.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Alright. Alright. I'll go look for her now.

-LokiIsEuropean has entered the chat-

-Spidey has entered the chat-

LokiIsEureopean: Oh dear. What is happening in here?

Spidey: hmm.. eh seems kinda normal.

LokiIsEureopean: Your younger sister disppearing is normal to you?

Spidey: It is when your a Stark which you'll get use to.

LokiIsEureopean: Right, of course.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Ah! Fantastic. You two are here. Come and help your old man would you?

Spidey: And i suddenly have homework to do.

LokiIsEureopean: Peter you never have homework to do even if you have homework

Spidey: cant you let me get away just once loki? Why cant i have cool escapes like you?

LokiIsEureopean: telling your father who is looking for your lost sister and saying you have homework isnt a cool anything

Spidey: can... you show me a cool escape?

LokiIsEureopean: ...

LokiIsEureopean: maybe some other time.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: if you help me I'll let you both try on my new suits. Ik you would want to, especially you loki since you like to blow things up.

LokiIsEureopean: As tempting as that is... im trying to turn over a new leaf, actually i have for the last few months. I wont be lured into such a trick.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: I'll hook you up on a date with Natasha 😏😎

LokiIsEureopean: ...

LokiIsEureopean: I'll think about it.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: can you think about it quickly? My daughters life is at stake

LokiIsEureopean: ... alright fine. But only because she looks good in black... dont tell her i said that.

Spidey: she can read this chat dude.

LokiIsEureopean: ...

-LokiIsEureopean has deleted a message-

Spidey: real smooth god of mischief. That'll get the girls.

LokiIsEureopean: when you make a move on the girl you like then you can speak to me about girls

Spidey: ...

Spidey: fine. noted.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: task at hand people?

Spidey: oh right, little sis. Couldnt she just be hanging out with another avenger

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: if thats the case, imma kill who ever it is.

LokiIsEureopean: even if its your best bud steve?

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: dont know who you got that idea from but yes, even if its my "best bud"

LokiIsEureopean: well its totally thor. I saw him taking her to new migard

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: ... your not just saying that to pull a trick on your brother right? 🤨

LokiIsEureopean: ...

LokiIsEureopean: why would i ever-

Spidey: cause you do it all the time

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: cause you do it all the time

LokiIsEureopean: ...

LokiIsEureopean: okay im sorry. I dont know where she is... although...

-LokiIsEureopean has added Korg to the chat-

Korg: what the heck is this?

LokiIsEureopean: Korg i need you to answer me something.

Korg: okay, i complie. What must korg do?

LokiIsEureopean: you were versing someone in... what was it? fort... nite?

Korg: ye thats right. They kept defeating me and thor couldnt even kill them.

LokiIsEureopean: do you remember the username?

Korg: ye it was FalconRulez69

LokiIsEureopean: thank you Korg, you may go now.

Korg: alright oh one thing, Thor said hes bringing guests home for dinner.

LokiIsEureopean: ofc he is, he always does. Thanks korg

Korg: no problem king

-Korg has went offline-

LokiIsEureopean: thats a place to start

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: seriously? Thats the best you got

Spidey: Nah, hes right. Sam sucks at fortnite, theres no way Korg should lose to him.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: so your saying that my daughter is extremely good at fortnite and Sam forced her to rank up?

Spidey: something like that

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: ... well its the only thing rn, so I'll go off it.

-Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark has signed off-

Spidey: sam is totally gonna be dead

LokiIsEureopean: oh 100%

-Spidey has signed off-

-LokiIsEureopean has signed off-

I kinda forgot i started this storyline so i wanted to wrap it up. Also im into Marvel again since Loki spin off aired a few days ago! Expect more soon

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