Whats going on?

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PeterParker- Spidey

Spidey: Seems serious what they were talking about 🤔

Lokii: Whatever do you mean?

Spidey: Well... all the chat history is gone expect for mr stark @avengers

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Spidey: uhh, whoops

Nebby: Well, at least it works.

Angry Bruce: I was working, why was I tagged.

God of Hammers: Yea, our spaceship is gonna crash make it quick.

Spidey: 🙏sorry guys, it was an accident

I am Iron Man: An accident won't cut it Peter

I am Iron man: I'm just kidding we all make mistakes ❤❤

Dumbass 1: Man, your lucky your father is so forgiving

Black Widow: Yea if it was me I would...  I don't think I can say that

I am Iron Man: Yes, watch your next words carefully Natasha

Lokii: Oh dear me

Dumbass 1: Why are all your children in here tho Tony? 🤔

Hawkeye: And why do you apdot the previously bad ones? 🤔

I am Iron  Man: Cause I can Clint and I have no clue Cap. Go and ask them

God of Hammers: AHHHHH, well. I'm out. See you all soon.

-God of Hammers has signed out-

Nebby: Oh we really are crashing

Lokii: And that's not a problem at all?

Nebby: Like it would be, if we havent crashed so much already. The rabbit will get angry soon 🤣🤣🤣

Dumbass 1: Back to my point? Why are all you three here?

Lokii: Is it a sin to be In this chat?

Spidey: Lokii I think he more wonders why we are all together

Lokii: Oh, I... understand now

Nebby: He asks a good question, why are we all here?🤔

Spidey: I just want to know what the Avengers talked about 🤨😠

Black Widow: It... wasn't important. Starks kids don't need to worry about it.

Lokii: Okay but I am pretty old

Hawkeye: Yea, but you still look like you would be 17.

I am Iron Man: Why are we having this conversation? You guys dont need to worry alright?

Spidey: Okay fine. Are we gonna go to dinner tonight?

I am Iron Man: Of course we are

Nebby: Hang on. Can it be at like 8pm? Thats when we come back

Lokii: oh, you guys are coming back?

Nebby: Yea, for like a week or two

Dumbass 1: Oh how great fun

Hawkeye: Cap isnt happy.

Dumbass 1: Yea, I keep wondering  if i should have given Peggy that dance. There's a lot of things I wonder if I should have done.

Lokii: You did what you could. You can't go back to the past sadly, but we continue to make the future brighter for everyone.

Dumbass 1: For someone who was evil you sure know a lot.

Lokii: I think it's cause I was evil that I know a lot lol

Dumbass 1: I guess so. Well Imma hop off then. See ya guys

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Hawkeye: Imma do the same

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I am Iron Man: I got work to do. See you around kids

Angry Bruce: And I gotta help Tony with it

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Spidey: I still wonder what they were talking about. They would have not deleted it if it wasnt so dangerous or important 🤨

Lokii: Maybe it was... spacey wacey and timey wimey stuff?

Spidey: Uhhh, what now?

Nebby: He means it would involve time and space travel. Maybe we created a vortex? 🤔

Lokii: Nebula, your watching waaay too much Doctor Who, but yes. That is what I meant.

Spidey: So... we messed up everything?

Lokii: That is the potential outcome yes. If Strange said Tony was suppose to die, that would sure cause a lot of problems...

Nebby: What if it just created new universes from that point on? Like for example:

Carole > killed Thanos 2014
>That timeline that no longer has Thanos
>A new timeline is opened because of it
>leading to multiverses (multiple universes) happening

Spidey: That sounds like it would make sense. But with Thanos being dead in that timeline, cant other villains fall into his place and worse things could happen?

Lokii: For a kid, you are clever. Yes that is totally possible. You guys messed with time, it isnt easy fixed and it may never be fully fixed.

Nebby: That is true. But it was the only way.

Lokii: And what did it cost you? A giant hole in the universes. We are only meant to have one universe but now we have several.

Nebby: Yes, I get it. We fucked up but we will fix it. Okay? Now if you excuse me, I gotta leave

Spidey: Yea, I gotta do some homework

Lokii: Peter we know you dont do it

Spidey: Hey! Im actually going to do it 😠

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Lokii: What a mess this all is

Nebby: Tell me about it

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