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ScottLang- SmallMan 
Doctor Strange-Stranger

SmallMan: Aw man, who.messed with my name?

StrangerThings: It seems a few of us had names altered

GamoraTron: ... I will end who did this.

-QuillDumbFace has entered the chat-

QuillDumbFace: The hell is this nickname?

GamoraTron: Thats what we are trying to figure out Quill 😓

QuillDumbFace: oh! Hey.. Gamora your in here.

GamoraTron: Why wouldn't i be? Just cause im not in your spaceship, doesnt mean i dont wanna talk.

QuillDumbFace: I kinda thought thats why you left, to never speak with us again 🙁

GamoraTron: I left cause... im still trying to wrap my head around it all

SmallMan: Around what? Im still trying to wrap my head around that my daughter is a teenager 😔

GamoraTron: ... I dont know. Everything just feels off all of a sudden, I cant explain why 🤔🤷‍♀️

StrangerThings: The worlds are different apart. Everything we did... Everywhere is suffering.

QuillDumbFace: Who the hell invited this guy into our group chat? Mr McGoom over here😂😂😱😓

SmallMan: Yea, what is up with everyone and speaking like its the end of the world? I walk into the avengers house and everyone looks so... dead.😱

StrangerThings: Cause they know time will come soon

QuillDumbFace: Okay seriously, he needs to stop. 😑🤨

-BlackGriaffe has entered the chat-

QuillDumbFace: Somehow i feel that name is worse than mine 😂😂😂

BlackGriaffe: ...

-BlackGriaffe has left group-

-BlackPanter has joined the group-

SmallMan: Huh, never thought to do that 👀

GamoraTron: shockingly neither

BlackPanter: It is quite simple  really and i feel ik who did this 😆

QuillDumbFace: Wait really?! 😆🤣

BlackPanter: Only two people have those powers to do it, and its Starrk and Captain 🤔

SmallMan: And since Cap is depressed it can only be tony.

StrangerThings: Isnt Tony on the school trip with his son?

QuillDumbFace: The heck is he doing there?

GamoraTron: Caring about him like a good parent should 🥰🥰😍😍❤

QuillDumbFace: Okay i get it, soft topic

SmallMan: We could ask him, im sure its not like hes dying


-MetalSuperman has entered the chat-

MetalSuperman: 😑 Who the heck changed my name?

SmallMan: Oh, we thought you changed ours

MetalSuperman: What do you guys want? Im gonna die soon

QuillDumbFace: wanted to know if you changed our names but i guess we know the answer to that now

MetalSuperman: Yea, couldnt have been me havent been on all this week cause of the trip.

MetalSuperman: Gotta run now, see ya

BlackPanter: I was sure it was him... 🤔😔

GamoraTron: Well, no point in arguing about it, imma get off for a bit anyway 👀

QuillDumbFace: Good call, maybe it was Loki

StrangerThings: Nah, i saw him not too long ago, it couldnt have been. Im also gonna hop out

-GamoraTron has left the chat-
-StrangerThings has left the chat-

QuillDumbFace: Yea, I should enjoy thr time i have left on earth for now. See ya BlackPanter 🤣

BlackPanter: you too QuillDumbFace

QuillDumbFace: That... was uncalled for 🤬

-BlackPanter has left the chat-
-QuillDumbFace has left the chat-

???: God what idiots >:D

Authors Note:

Heyo! Sorry for being gone so long. The next chapter will be a part two of this.

There was kinda of a timeskip. Its at least a few months since the last chapyer and more and more things are starting to happen that the avengers arent sure they are happy with especially Captain America. 

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