CapM is... terrifying

35 1 0


BlackWidow - Natasha Romanoff
Nebby - Nebula
Dumbass 1 - Steve Rogers

BlackWidow: these chatrooms feel emptier as days go on.

Dumbass 1: Well since Thanos theres been more troubles lately.

Nebby: That and everyone kinda went their separate ways since Starks party.

Dumbass 1: But you still see him dont you?

Nebby: No, Im with the guardians of asshole now...

Nebby: guardians of the super awesome mega avengers... galaxy.

BlackWidow: Quill give her phone back.

Nebby: Hey! I dont stand for her... edgyness alright.

BlackWidow: I dont care. Give it back.

Nebby: Fine. Xcwqhsrz

Nebby: One  day when Gamora isnt watching I will kill him

Dumbass 1: I wont stop you. I still need to kill Tony for this stupid nickname.

BlackWidow: didnt... the other guys figure it out.

Dumbass: ...


-Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark turns off invisible mode-

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Look... i had to, the chance was there and i took it. No hard feelings cap.

Dumbass: okay where is the Mjollnir 😏🤣😂😆🙃

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Okay, okay. I get it alright. Jeez. Talk about a puppy.

Dumbass: what was that?

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: Oh sorry did i type that? I meant, 'is that loki?'

Dumbass: 😑

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark has changed dumbass nickname to 'egogers 🇺🇸'

Nebby: because that wont get you less killed 😔🤨

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark has changed egogers 🇺🇸 nickname to 'Cap A-hole'

Cap A-hole: You know what, I'll take it.

BlackWidow: I think this is worse than dumbass.

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: also im bored, wheres bruce? I havent heard from him in like ever. did he ever turn back to normal.

BlackWidow: Tony you were there for that!

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: oh i must of forgot then. @avengers

-King of Lightning has joined the room-

-SMASH has joined the room

-Clint Eastwood has joined the room-

Clint Eastwood: This... isnt even a creative joke Stark come on?

BlackWidow: actually... i stole tonys phone at his party and did that.

Clint Eastwood: ... we are no longer on talking terms 😑

BlackWidow: Hey!

-LokiofAssgard has joined the  room-

Tony 'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' Stark: hmm thats weird, why did loki come in?

LokiofAssgard: First off, I came in to tell Clint not to hurt Natasha. Second, I saw a mention did i not?

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