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Shuri - QueenPanther 
Pepper Potts - Potts
Bruce - Angry Bruce
James 'Bucky' Barnes - Dumbass 2
Scott Lang - Dumbass 4
Steve Rogers - Dumbass
Nebula - Nebby 

QueenPanther: What is up my party people! 

Dumbass 2: Oh hey Shuri, whats my favourite... person of colour up to?

Dumbass 4: I think Falcon would be hurt to hear that

Dumbass 2: Its fine, hes out on a mission with his favourite two people, Loki and Wanda

Potts: He has a issue with Wanda? 

Dumbass 2: Yea, said she was what was the word... too... edgy? Which I for one think is ridiclous because...

Nebby: Choose your next words carefully winter solider or you might be frozen again.

Dumbass: Hey! You cant make threats to my Bucky!

QueenPanther: That sounded.. quite gay.

Dumbass 2: See Steve! I told you everyone thinks we are together because of you! 

Dumbass: It is... not my fault.

Dumbass 4: You're both like a married couple.

Dumbass 2: HEY! 

Nebby: And why is that a bad thing?

Dumbass: Because Bucky is shy </3

Dumbass 2: Dude... you havent seen.. the fangirls. They scare me D: 

Potts: Why? Fans are harmless

Dumbass 2: Nono, you dont understand how the fangirl mind works okay? 

Potts: And you.. do? 

Dumbass 2: Not to brag but... I am the most popular avenger

Dumbass: Actually... polls have Loki ahead by 20 points

Dumbass 2: What? Since when?

Dumbass: Since he went on the mission with Sam and Wanda. Fans are digging it.

Potts: How do they even know of our missions??

QueenPanther: Haha... that might be my bad

Nebby: I think I leaked something too


Nebby: Lets not complicate things shall we?

Dumbass 2: Steve we gotta go do something to get my points up

Dumbass: Okay first you complained about the fans and now you want their attention? Bucky...

Dumbass 2: Loki started it by getting us into trouble.

Dumbass: ... okay you got a point.

Nebby: You got yourselves into trouble!

Dumbass 2: Dont sweat the small stuff <3 

Potts: Pretty defensive there Nebula, have something to share the class? ^^

Nebby: ...

Nebby: I- no, Im not being brought into this

Dumbass 2: Tbh you brought yourself into it by defending Loki

Nebby: Because he didnt do anything you scoundrel -_- 

Dumbass 2: I am hurt by the name calling! Steve quick call the number

Dumbass: Huh? What number? You nevflkhx;sgf

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