Feint - Logicallity + kid! Virgil

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Have some fluff before the overwhelming amount of angst.




denoting paper printed with faint lines as a guide for handwriting.

Virgil walked in from his first day of school. "Hey kiddo!" Virgil waddled towards me "Daddy? What are des lines on the paper?" Virgil pointed to the small dotted lines in between the solid ones. "Why don't we ask papa?" Virgil nodded and made grabby hands, letting Patton know his son wanted to be picked up, which he did, and he took them to Logan's study. "Hey dear?" Logan looked up from his work and saw that Virgil was home from school "Oh apologies, I did not hear you come in, I suppose I was a bit too focused on the paperwork necessary to adopt Virgil officially." Virgil looked at Logan and pointed at the paper "What dis?" Logan smiled "Well, the paper is a special kind of paper called feint, it is used to help you learn how to write." Virgil knitted his eyebrows in confusion "But I knows how to write!" Logan smiled "We know that dear but your teacher doesn't." Virgil huffed "Why not?" Logan smiled and took him from Patton "Teachers aren't magic spiderling." Virgil tilted his head "Der not?" Logan shook his head and Patton smiled "I don believe you! How else do they take care of all dos kiddies??" Logan chuckled and sat down with Virgil in his lap "Incredible talent." Virgil nodded "I still tink der magic." Virgil set his paper down, grabbed a pencil, and started working on his assignment "Okay spiderling, whatever you want to believe."

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