Argue - Part 3 of Graveyards - Sleepxiety Brothers

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A 5-year-old Virgil waddled into his brother's room "Broder?" Remy noticed him and took off his headphones "Are mommy and daddy being too loud for you nightingale?" Virgil nodded, Remy picked him up and set him on the bed "What do you want to listen to?" Virgil smiled "My Chemical Womance!" Remy smiled at his younger brother and put the headphones on his head "Wha bout' you?" Virgil asked, looking at his big brother with eyes full of worry "I'll be fine nightingale." Virgil nodded and snuggled up to his brother, falling asleep quickly.

Virgil, now 13 walked out of his middle school, hoping that today Remy would finally remember to pick him up for once, his legs, torso, and arms had fresh bruises on them from some kids at school, he waited for 20 minutes before giving up and walking home. He opened the door and limped through, his parents were out of town so he didn't have to worry about hiding it too much. He had just reached the corner when the door came in and Remy and his friends' laughter rang out. "Woah Virg! Let me help you!" as soon as Remy touched him he was shoved away and given a fierce glare, he walked away as quickly as he could and laid down on his bed, putting his headphones on and blasting MCR.

Remy walked to the office, clearly angry, he walked in and looked at his younger sibling, who was now 16, and sighed. "I'll take them home." Remy touched Virgil's shoulder, only to be shoved off, like it has been for the past 4 years. "I can get up by myself." Virgil stood up and went to grab their backpack, only for Remy to swipe it instead. Virgil glared but didn't say anything, silently following Remy to his car. They both got in and Remy drove them home, when they got inside Virgil went to go hide in his room, Remy grabbed Virgil's arm in a grip that they couldn't escape. "Virgil." The seriousness in his voice made Virgil stop struggling, they still didn't look at their brother. "Virgil look at me." Virgil shook their head, they didn't want their brother to see them cry, to see that they aren't as strong as their brother, or as they wanted to be. "Virgil Black. Look at me." Remy's voice scared Virgil, they just wanted to go in their room and cry, maybe add more scars to the growing collection on his arms, abdomen, and legs, maybe kill themself. Virgil still didn't look, Remy tightened his grip on their arm, Virgil let out a small whimper of pain or fear they didn't know, probably both. Remy noticed and loosened his grip, still not letting go. "Virgil.." His voice was softer but still firm. He sighed and took Virgil to the living room and sat them on the couch. "Don't even think about moving." Virgil nodded, still not looking at him. Remy came back with a first aid kit and sat down by Virgil "Virgil, I need you to look at me." Virgil sighed in defeat and finally looked at him, Remy could see all the injuries, the tears streaming out of their eyes, the pain and numbness that their eyes held, Remy started gently cleaning and bandaging all of Virgil's wounds, making sure that his baby sibling was properly taken care of. "I'm going to check something okay?" Virgil nodded, Remy then gently grabbed Virgil's wrist and pulled up their sleeve before Virgil even realized what was happening. Their wrist was yanked out of Remy's hand and brought to their chest, Remy looked and was met with a glare "Nightingale.." Virgil stood up "YOU DON'T GET TO FUCKING CALL ME THAT ANYMORE!! YOU FUCKING PRICK!! YOU LEFT ME ALL ALONE AND THE ONLY TIME YOU PAY ATTENTION TO ME IS WHEN I GET IN TROUBLE!! Just- just leave me alone.." Virgil walked up the stairs with Remy staring at where they just were.

Remy looked at the note in his hand one last time before slipping it under Virgil's door. He walked away and into his room, looking at the noose debating for one last time before he stepped on the chair, he was about to knock it down when the noose was pulled off of him and he was captured in a hug, his younger sibling holding tightly and not letting go, just repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again. Remy wrapped his arms around them and rubbed circles in their back as tears of his own slipped out.

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