A Late Night - Part 2 of Graveyards - Platonic Prinxiety

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Virgil quietly opened the door, careful to not make much noise, "Oh hi kiddo! We were wondering when you would be coming! I'm Patton! The person you were texting!" Virgil nodded "Pronouns?" Patton smiled even bigger at Virgil's question "Today it's they/them but it'll change tomorrow, you?" Virgil examined the person, big round glasses adorned their face along with a beaming smile. "He/they.." Patton nodded and took him into the living room, where two people were sitting down "Hello fair royalty! I'm Prince Roman! He/him pronouns!" Virgil nodded as the other piped up "It's Roman Prince, stop introducing yourself by your last name." The person shut the book they were reading and held out a hand for Virgil to snake, which he did "Logan, they/them." Virgil nodded "Uh.. Virgil he/they.." he adjusted the strap of his messenger bag nervously, "Are we expecting a truck of something with the rest of your things?" Roman asked, "Not everyone can afford more than three bags princy, I was lucky enough to even afford to stay here." Virgil said with a snarl and challenging tone." Roman put his hands up in surrender "Well sorry emo trash jeez." Virgil glared at him before looking at Patton, Patton took the hint and showed him his room.

Virgil laid down on the bed in the center of the room and stared at the ceiling, he saw the living room light turn off from the bottom of his door and sighed, he got on his phone and looked at Tumblr. By the time he had gotten off it was 3 am, he sighed and decided to visit his parents. He climbed out of bed, opened his door, made as little noise as possible, and did the same with the door leading out into the hallway. They walked down the stairs and out of the building. "What are you doing out here?" Romans's voice rang out and Virgil turned to look at him, "Visiting some people." Virgil turned back around and continued walking.

"Who are you visiting at 3 am?"


"Where are they?"

"Okayyy... Uh... can I join you?"


"Too bad."

Virgil glared at him, they didn't want him to tag along, this was something they liked to do alone. They walked a little faster and Roman managed to keep up. Virgil let an annoyed sound out and started running, Roman still barely managing to keep up. Virgil stopped running once they thought he had lost him and walked towards their parents' graves, Roman still behind him. Virgil sat down and stared at them, the roses still there from earlier. "Hey guys, I got an apartment. I would've kept living in the house but I couldn't afford it..." Virgil let out a shaky breath, clearly crying from the tears pouring down his face "My roommates seem nice, sure one of them may have a small god complex but still-" He sniffled and laughed wiping away tears "He seems nice minus that, he wanted to join me but I- I don't want them to think I'm a freak y'know.." Virgil's voice was quiet and it sounded almost broken. "I shouldn't have called you that night, I should've gotten a cab or something, or just not have gone... it's my fault you're gone isn't it? I'm sorry..." Roman felt tears slip out of his eyes as Virgil kept muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again, it broke his heart seeing him like this.

He moved and sat down by Virgil putting an arm around them, Virgil looked at him in surprise, "You're too cute if you think you can get rid of me just by running." Roman smiled softly at the small person in his arms, "Why- why did you even want to come- and why are you still here? You don't think I'm a freak?" Roman shook his head "No, I don't." Virgil felt more tears coming "Really?" By this point, Virgil's voice was a broken whisper. "You're not a freak Virgil." Virgil let his tears spill out as he hugged Roman tightly, afraid to let go, Roman just rubbed circles into his back and helped him breathe.

Virgil pulled back and whipped some tears that were still there. "Thank you.." Roman nodded "Anytime JDelightful."

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