Schön - Anxceit fluff

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All translations are in the comments <3


Virgil closed his locker and was met with the sight of one of the more popular students at his school. "Greetings." Virgil quirked a brow at them. "Hi?" Janus smirked at him and his awkwardness. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date? Say.. this Saturday at 3?" Virgil stared at him in slight suprise, Janus was notorious for not being close with anyone. No dates, no relationships, and only a few acquaintances, so why, would they ask Virgil on a date? His first thought was that it was a prank or a dare of some sort, but he looked back on the person patiently waiting for a reply, a small smile on their features.

".. Sure..." Janus's smile got slightly wider "Wonderful!" Janus started to walked down the halls "Wait-" Janus turned back around to the short male. "What should I wear?" Janus smirked "Oh nothing to formal, actually nothing would be just perfect.." They accentuated their statement by looking him up and down, causing him to chuckle awkwardly. "So like a hoodie and a not ripped shirt with jeans?" Janus chucked and nodded "That'll do perfectly bärchen." Janus smiled at the males confusion and walked away.

Virgil got dressed, he was still confused as to what Janus said, was it an insult? Probably, Virgil thought to himself. He figured it was probably german, as that's where Janus was from up until last year. He made a split second decision and downloaded Duolingo on his phone and selected the German course, if this worked out he was going to understand what they said damnit!

He paused once he heard the door knock and shoved his phone in his pocket and slipped his boots on as he all but slid down the stairs and opened the door in his excitement, past worries gone as he took in Janus appearance.

Janus was wearing a black longsleve undershirt with a plain yellow croptop on top and high-waisted black ripped skinny jeans. "Hello mien engel." Virgil tilted his head to the side, he was starting those German lessons asap. Janus smiled at his cuteness and offered their hand "Shall we go mien liebe?" Virgil nodded and took their hand, still confused as to what they were saying.

Janus took him to a cute little Cafe before they went to the fair that had ended up in town and started winning him stuffed animals, causing him to blush and studder out thank yous, Virgil ended up giving one to a kid who was crying because he dropped their ice-cream. Causing Janus to slightly swoon.

At the end of the night, around 9 Janus grabbed Virgil and took him to the faris wheel. Virgil ended up hugging one of the bigger stuffed animals, which was a giant teddy bear. Once they reached the top fire works started to go off, leaving Virgil in awe of the pretty colors. Janus smiled at him. "Ich liebe dich, schön." Virgil looked at them "Can you tell me what that means?" Janus smiled and scooted twords him a bit more "It means, I love you, beautiful." Virgil looked at them with a rising blush as they moved closed inching Virgils head up with their hand until they were only inches apart.

Once receiving concent Janus closed the gap and Virgil wrapped his arms around their neck. "Schön.." Janus softly whispered against his lips the gap between them still scarce. "Ich liebe dich.." Janus smiled at Virgils soft voice speaking the words almost as if he had practiced them a million times "Mm I think you could speak fluent German liebling." Virgil smiled "What did that one mean?" Janus shook their head "Nothing schön." Virgil giggled and picked up the stuffed animal that fell.

"I'm sorry teddy did you fall!" Janus chuckled at the man's adorable antics and helped him carry the prizes back to his house before going to their own. They both smiled at the thought of seeing each other soon.


If you couldn't tell, German lessons are going well- lol anyway I just wanted to write fluff with cute German pet names and stuff :))

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