twenty seven.

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I sit in an overly air conditioned classroom listening to the mumbled out lecture my thickly accented teacher is giving thinking of nothing more than leaving.

I knew I should have been listening..taking notes and all that other shit people do when they need to pass the class for the credit. I needed this credit I just didn't give a fuck enough to care.

Point blank I should be focused on acing these final tests. But no, all I could think of was the giant smoke session about to go down in my dorm room followed by all the food I was going to raid from my cabinets and inhale in front of the tv possibly being interrupted by the fuck session with my room mate Litasha.

Whoever came up with the brilliant idea of boy-girl roommates for this program was a fucking genius..just made it that much easier for me to get off without having to use my hand every night. Litasha had a boyfriend and I was in this "long distance" shit with Eliana, but early on when we were shit faced we accidentally fucked. Morning after we figured we may as well keep it consistent with a few ground rules: strictly sex. Once the program was done I'd never hear from Litasha Brolis and she'd sure as hell never hear from me.

I let out a loud sigh as the familiar buzz in my pants reminds me that I'll have messages to answer. Messages I'd really rather act like I hadn't received. They were always the same, Bruno clearly just sent them to make sure I was still alive or not in prison. He constantly checked up on me since leaving.

He probably thought I had begun to go batshit crazy like my father did when he left us. Bruno probably thought I was going through some mental break down or some shit. Either way I knew he meant well but I just couldn't handle the constant reminding that I fucked over a person I cared about. I couldn't think about him without feeling sick let alone talk to him. It was always worse when he called me because there were times I'd hear her sweet voice in the background, talking to someone else.

Leaving was suppose to help me forget her..this was to forget Bianca. This was to convince myself that all of that was just some sick joke. But it wouldn't work my mind just couldn't grasp that concept. I wanted to hear her voice in the background..her laugh, imagine her smile..

There was no denying that I had started liking Bianca. The feelings couldn't just be cut cold turkey. If anything they grew with my curiosity. She was a complete bitch to me the last few days I was home and it only made me only made me like her that much more. Sometimes at night I'd come up with these crazy scenarios where Bianca actually liked me too.

When the professor finally released us from class I grabbed my shit and raced out of there faster than anyone.

I had made a few friends during my time in the program but none I cared enough to keep in touch with..but that didn't mean I didn't use them to my advantage.

"Did you get enough notes down? Your hand must be so cramped up from all that writing you just did in there," I hear Litasha say to me sarcastically from behind.

I laugh, slowing down my pace to pull out a cigarette for the walk back.

"It was actually already cramped up from all that jacking off I did last night, so if I fail I hope you know it's your fault," I joke back making her laugh.

"I was face timing my boyfriend it was his birthday remember," She defends.

"Pretty sure he fucked someone last night before he called you..should have at least been down for a quickie," I tell her making her punch me in the arm.

"Not everyone's a dog," She tells me, pushing back the strands of dark hair from around her face,"Like you."

"And you," I retort making her crack a smile.

"That's why we get along so well though isn't it," She nods, taking an unexpected turn.

"Your not going back up to the room?" I ask, mentally changing my evening plans.

"Studying over in the library with a few girls from class," She says before waving goodbye.

I roll my eyes before tossing down the cigarette, stepping on it with my boot before pulling my phone out, and as suspected the usual messages from Bruno and the kids were waiting for me.

Bruno's emails were always little bits of his week and what had occurred..he wasn't really the most interesting person via email so I pretty much could have copied and pasted my responses these past eight months. Nina and Diego always wrote more interesting things..Diego usually spilled the gossip from around the house, while Nina told me how annoying it was that she still couldn't go out to clubs despite now being eighteen...just shit like that.

I look up, deciding to read the messages later and I catch a glimpse of Litasha from behind, tugging open the library's heavy door.

She had a nice ass..thick sturdy thighs with wide hips that always seemed to sway in a way that reminded me of a certain brunette from home.

Now that I think of it there were definitely things about Litasha that reminded me of Bianca. They both had that mess of hair that really didn't need much work, the facial beauty was a no brainier, a body that was curvaceous and womanly, those red lips and those big eyes that just lit up while their mouth spoke the most vulgar and out of line things. Litasha was only tolerable to a point because she was so good in bed but after a while I just wanted to tape that mouth fucking shut. Yet somehow it was the sexiest thing on Bianca because she just had something extra..something worth thinking about for hours something that didn't make her annoying.

That something was unknown to me and I continued to ponder the thought for the remainder of my walk. But now back in my room, glancing over all of Litasha's photos with her boyfriend I knew exactly what it was that Bianca had over Litasha and every other girl for that matter.

Her un-obtainability .

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