twenty eight.

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Bianca's POV

I examine myself in the large hallway mirror, admiring the way my dress slightly clings to the round belly slowly coming in. I smile as I run my hands delicately around the shape the excitement of knowing it was a little boy I was carrying inside of me.

"Are the rolls ready, can you ask Camila please darling..people are already starting to show up," Bruno says to me in a rush, grabbing a stack of napkins to take out to the backyard before stopping to look at me.

"What are you doing," He smiles, putting the napkins back down.

As if on cue, the baby begins to kick making my heart fill with joy. He always kicked around when he heard his father's voice..on my more emotional days I could feel tears welling up from the overwhelmingly beautiful feeling it was to have something so precious inside of you. Not only that, but a partner that has stood by me through these past five difficult months.

Finding out your pregnant merely two months after getting married was scary enough. That fear faded the moment I heard the baby's heart beat. How could I fear something so precious that was mine?

"He's kicking," I say, gesturing for Bruno to feel.

The past few weeks had been rough, several doctor and ER visits kept us busy but it was all worth it. I was beyond proud that my body had carried this baby this far. Doctors had told me I could miscarriage at any moment because of my oddly shaped cervix it was scary to know that this baby could die because of my own defects. Bruno did such a good job at reminding me that I wasn't alone..that we were in this together.

"Diego's going to be over the moon when he hears the sex,"Bruno smiles at me,"Everyone is."

Past my first three months of pregnancy we announced our special blessing to the family, all of who were happy about the news..even my mother. I hadn't spoken much to her at all until Penelope gave birth to a little boy named Nicoli.She was my mother and I knew that harboring ill feelings was pointless especially since all I wanted to do was hold on to the positive..the things that I wanted to pass down onto my child. I wouldn't plague my child with a life of greed, cheating and anger.

"I know Nina could hardly keep her mouth shut to everyone while helping me plan this reveal party..she's so excited to become a big sister again,"I add, feeling another wave of joy, only this time because it seemed I had finally won the love and affection of my new step daughter.

"I think I have it the worst," Bruno laughs,"The day we found out I just wanted to stamp it across my forehead "IM HAVING A BOY"."

I laugh with him just as Camila walks in, heading towards the kitchen with her tray.

"We've already started putting the food out Mr. Styles, if you care to eat we can have a plate fixed for you and the guest of honor,"Camila smiles.

"I'll take care of our plates you just keep helping everyone with the food,"Bruno assures her taking my hand into his.

We make our way to the backyard when Bruno's phone goes off to which he reacts by pulling it out to read a new message from the one person I've done such a good job forgetting.

Things were perfect..they just seemed to flow and that had everything to do with Harry being gone. He wasn't around to try to fuck things up and I prayed he'd decide that living on his own was what he wanted when he came back because I just couldn't stand to see his face again.

"Well good news..Harry should be home in two weeks,"Bruno informs me, forcing me to hold in that bothered sigh I wanted to let out.

"That's great," I say flatly. I turned my head slight trying to focus my attention on the beautiful arrangement of owners seat to inform guest that the party would take place near the gazebo a little offset from the house.

"You know I haven't even told him we're expecting a baby,"Bruno admits,"I didn't want him to feel like he was missing out..he needs to focus on his study so I just figured we'd tell him when he got home. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," I repeat, filled with relief when we finally reach our guests who greet us warmly.

With the party hitting full swing in a matter of minutes I forgot all about Harry. I forgot about all the worries that had plagued me everyday and night..even in my sleep. The doctor had said having nightmares while pregnant was normal but it didn't stop me from being affected by them.

I forgot all of it, I simply embraced all the love and sheer excitement from both sides of the family. Being in a room with people just as genuinely happy for you as yourself is an indescribable just can't put that kind of warmth into words.

Later that night when I lay down for bed, still smiling from the amount of happiness and positivity received, I reached an all time high for myself. I was more excited about the baby than before. I was furthest away from my depression in a long time.

But little did I know that that would be last day I felt my sweet angel kick.

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