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"Everything about you was amazing."

A few days later, an event was held to honor Gray, along with everyone who has died that day. Some people have speeches about their loved ones. Others just got on stage and talked about killing Hank. Whatever it was, they let out some sort of frustration.

There was food and some sad music, but no one smiled. Not even at jokes to make each other feel better.

Amy was standing all alone. Emery and Soldat were at a different facility for work. They would return tomorrow. Joe was standing by the door looking at his phone. Lennon was by the food table grabbing all the food he can. Nye was in the infirmary for his injuries. Marcellus was nowhere to be found. No one else was talking. Looking around the room, a sense of reality hit Amy. The world is this sad.

"Hey, Amy, are you alright?" Lennon said while walking up to Amy. He picked up a cupcake and offered it to Amy, "You want one?"

Amy took the cupcake and took a few bites. Looking up at Lennon, Amy mumbled, "I'm okay... it just hurts to see everyone sad..."

Lennon pulled Amy in for a hug. Amy held him tightly and started to cry again. It burned his eyes, but he just couldn't stop. Lennon comforted Amy by patting his head. Amy relaxed a little. It felt nice to be patted on the head.

Joe walked up to them both and join the hug. They all began to cry uncontrollably.

Amy left the Auditorium and walked to the infirmary. It had been a minute since Amy has seen Nye. Then, Amy makes a stop at his room.

He walks into the empty room. He turns on one of the ceiling lights. It's not too bright. Slowly, Amy walks to his section of the room. There is a small shelf with three sections. The top section has books; most for coloring. The second has a camera. There is also his stationary set and crayons. The very bottom section has food for Seed. It consists of raisins, lettuce, honey, and jelly.

Amy picks up the jelly and feeds it to Seed. There is a decent-sized enclosure sitting on top of the shelf. There are many places for the little ladybug to explore. Opening the enclosure, Amy puts some red jelly on a small plate. He puts the plate on a batch of leaves.

Seed climbs down a stick and squeaks happily! They spin in circles and nuzzle up to Amy's hand. A small smile forms on Amy's face. Pulling his hand out, Amy decided to play with Seed for a little. He takes a moment to play with his little friend.

After a while, Seed goes back in to eat his meal. Amy closes up the lid and reaches under his bed for a bag of cookies. He then turns on a small light for Seed. Amy exits the room.

Walking down the hallways, Amy doesn't see many happy faces. It's quiet. No one is talking to each other and it feels empty. Taking a right, Amy enters the infirmary. It's a little more active here. Amy walks up to the front desk and asks to see his friend. He is given a visitor tag and walks to the room. The halls echo with the sound of chatter. While passing by rooms, Amy heard many sounds. Hear monitors, crying, laughing, heavy breathing, and much more. Amy arrives at Nye's room and opens the door.

Nye is sitting in his bed with a letter in his hand. It appears he is shuffling it around. The footsteps of Amy urge him to put it away.

"Hello, Nye?" Amy says in a soft tone.

"Amy! You're okay!" Nye cheers as he sits up.

Amy walks over to hug Nye. Nye blushes as he is held by Amy. The hug feels very nice. Just then, they hear the sound of a door opening. It's the nurse that's taking care of Nye.

"Oh! I didn't expect any visitors! Ah, if it isn't Amy Bell!" The nurse says as they put down a tray of food for Nye. "I'm Brea Valentine, it's a pleasure to meet you! Also, Nye, eat up! It's some nice warm food for you, sweetheart."

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