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"I loved you very much."

It has been a couple of days since the ceremony. Emery and Soldat had gotten back from their mission. When they heard the news about Gray, they were devastated. They didn't know him much, but they still cared for him and enjoyed his company.

Now it's currently lunchtime. Amy is joined by Emery, Soldat, and Marcellus. Since his breakdown, Marcellus and Amy have become friendly with each other. The two have been hanging out for the past couple of days. They have begun taking a liking to each other. More on the side of Marcellus since Amy never really hated him.

"It sure is sure nice to be back! Whew! That mission was very tiring!!" Emery cheered as he drank a can of soda. They didn't seem as nervous as before.

Amy noticed how Emery was acting differently since he left. "Wow! Emery, you seem to be way more confident than you were before!"

"Well, I did do good on the mission, and I'm very happy!" Emery replied with a smile.

Soldat nodded in agreement.

"That's wonderful! I'm very glad you did well!" Amy replied as he ate a cosmic brownie.

"Good job, Emery!" Marcellus said with a thumbs up.

Everyone laughed and had a good time. It had been a while since Amy had seen anybody as happy as this.

After lunch, Amy went to get meet Nye at the roof of the facility. Amy opened a door and took the flight of stairs. When he got to the top, the fresh breeze hit his face. Amy saw Nye and skipped over to him. When he got closer to him, Amy noticed Nye was holding that same piece of paper from a couple of days ago. Not thinking much of the note, Amy tapped Nye's shoulder and gave him a friendly wave!

"Hello, Nye!" Amy said while waving his hand.

Nye quickly put the note away and replied, "H-Hello, Amy! It's nice to see that you... erm... that you showed up!"

Nye turned around and hugged Amy. Amy hugged him back. They both went and sat on a bench. The wind was blowing and chaos was happening from below. In the distance, explosions went off and screams could be heard. Nye was a bit concerned. Looking at Amy, Nye could see that he was too distracted with his happy-go-lucky agenda.

Nye cleared his throat, "Ahem... so um. Amy, I wanted to talk about something with you. I hope it doesn't change any feelings between us." Nye shuffled his hands and started sweating.

"Oh, Nye! Nothing could ever change my feelings towards you!" Amy moved closer to Nye and gave him a big hug. Nye blushed.

"Well... uh... I just wanted to ask you... what do you think about me? And please be honest." Nye put his hands in his lap and looked at Amy.

Amy stared at Nye for a little, and then responded, "Nye, you are one of my best friends! I think you're cool and I admire you a lot!" Amy gave Nye a little pat on the head.

"Heh, thank you, Amy. I admire you as well. You're very cute and fun." Nye replied with a smile. He blushed more.

"Nye! What do you think about me!?" Amy asked Nye with a bright smile.

The words stumbled out of his mouth, "Well, uh... you're very.. nice and kind! And you're also very... very beautiful!!" Nye was starting to sweat a little bit.

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