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"I couldn't believe how much the world changed."

Just another training session, or at least it seemed that way. Something special was happening.

A few agents enter the room. They all look very serious. Clipboards and pens were in their hands. A couple of them walk up to the group of grunts. 

"Hello everyone. We are here to examine you all today. There is going to be a special mission and we need all ranks present. Including grunts. Therefore, you all need to do your best today. We will be selecting ten grunts to accommodate the mission. Only the best will be selected. Are there any questions about what will be happening today?" An agent says as he looks around the room for any show of hands.

A grunt in the front raises his hand slowly. "Erm... will there be snacks on the mission?"

The agents just stare, look at each other, and then one answers, "Yes, there will be snacks."

Everyone got excited. The thought of free snacks was enough to motivate the crowd! There was a lot of talk about the mission and who would get chosen. People started getting to work on their training, and Amy was one of them. He wondered what the mission was and why it was so important. No one was talking about it before. Amy got on the ground and started doing some push-ups. Up and down he went with many thoughts in his mind. Many questions that may hopefully be answered.

Agents were walking around with their clipboards and pens. They wrote on the boards without saying a word. Examining each grunt before leaving. Amy looked around hoping to maybe see Nye, but he wasn't there.

A couple of hours later, everyone finished training for today. They all took showers and went to do their daily activities. Most went to grab a bite, which included Amy. Walking to the cafeteria, he saw a familiar face. It was Soldat! Amy rushed over to give a friendly greeting!

"Hey, Soldat!" Amy greeted with a small wave. "It's nice to see you! I was just heading to the cafeteria, wanna come with me?" Amy motioned his hand towards the direction he was heading.

Soldat nodded happily. The two of them walked to the cafeteria.

When they arrived, Amy found a table and they both sat down. It had been a tough day. Amy pulls out his lunch box and begins to open it. The outside is grey with stickers decorating all over. Inside, there are many things for Amy to enjoy! A sandwich, chips, fruit gummies, apple juice, and 4 cookies all occupied the space. On the other end, Soldat just pulled an energy bar out of their pocket. Amy took out all his food to enjoy. He looked over at Soldat and saw how little he had.

"Soldat? Do you have anything else to eat?" Amy looked over in concern.

Soldat looked up and started writing on a sheet of paper. They then handed it to Amy. The paper read:

"You see Amy...

It's about the drive, it's about the power. When I stay hungry, In battle I can devour. When I put in the work and put in the hours, I can take what's ours.

Also, I just don't feel the need to eat much. I'm not that hungry anyway."

While reading, Amy felt there was a reference to something. But there was uncertainty about what exactly Soldat was referencing. Looking up, Amy understands why, yet still hands them a cookie for their troubles. Soldat responds with a grateful gesture.

After eating, Amy and Soldat part ways. This mission has everyone in the facility busy. People walk hastily up and down the hallways and climb up and down the ladders. As usual, Amy waves to everyone that passes by for he remembers pretty much everyone in the facility at this point. Heading to his room, Amy decides to take a quick rest. He opens the door and hops onto his bed, getting up just to feed Seed and pet him. Amy loves his ladybug. Kicking off his shoes and getting under the sheets, Amy slowly gets tired as the sound of the facility are faintly heard and drive him to a peaceful dream.

Tap tap tap... Tap tap tap... Tap tap knock...

Someone is at the door. A roommate answers it. The voice on the other side is asking if Amy is there.

"Amy, it's for you." The roommate goes up to Amy and taps him on the shoulder. He goes back to doing whatever he was up to as Amy wakes up. Slowly rising from his bed, the sleepy grunt waddles to the door with his blanket still covering him. Light from the outside creeps into the room as the door is opened. It takes a second for Amy to see that's it's Nye, nervous-looking as ever. Amy smells something sweet and looks to see a bag of donuts in his hand. Nye softens his look at seeing a blanket covered Amy. Holding a pillow in one hand, and a giant white blanket keeping him warm as it drags along the cold hard floor. Nye walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

"Oh.. Nye! It's you...! I was just taking... a nap!" Amy mumbles, trying to form sentences. He sways while trying to stand in one place. Nye smiles and leads Amy to his bed. It was the closest one to the door. The two sit next to each other and Amy leans on Nye, struggling to keep his head up. Nye chuckles in response to how sleepy his friend is. He takes off his shoes and suit. Resting Amy in his lap, Nye smiles. He pat's Amy's head. Amy gets sleepier and sleepier with every pat. A small kiss was felt as well, making Amy smile. Falling into a deep sleep. Many wonderful dreams float around his mind.

The softness of the bed followed by the sounds of the air conditioner bring Amy to his senses. The dark walls behind him with little notes for daily reminders. Seed crawling around his small habitat. More roommates hanging out in the shared space. A peaceful time in Nevada, oh so rare, yet so enjoyable.

Amy sits up on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. A moment to enjoy himself and others. Such a happy feeling. Amy looks to the left with all of his stuff and spots a letter on his nightstand. It was from Nye, telling him to meet at the rooftop. They wanted to discuss something important. Amy was sure that Nye being there was a dream. Although, the donuts next to the letter told him otherwise.

The heavy door opened followed by a swift gust of wind. Amy looked around and eventually spotted his friend. "Nye! I'm here!", Amy giggled. "H-Hey, Amy! How was your nap?", said Nye as he waved to his friend. "It was good! And the donuts were delicious!".

Amy sat down and looked out into the distance, just as he did before. Chaos and madness as usual.

"So, Amy, I wanted to read one of my poems to you, if that's okay? I mean it's not really a poem, but just a piece of literature." Pulling out a piece of paper, Nye looks at Amy for approval. A sort of desperate plea.

"Of course, Nye. I would love to hear your story!" Amy turned his body toward him. His full attention on his Shakespeare-ridden friend.


The days ever boring as usual
I thought would never change
However, with the brightest light,
Feelings started to arrange.

Nothing as I was;
With you by my side,
I started to realize,
I was alive

You of the building,
Such a sight
I would meet you,
Secretly at night

Tell you everything,
All I've been holding
To only realize, tomorrow,
It would mean nothing."

Amy started at Nye. It was something so emotional and amazing. Nye can definitely write something. Amy put his hands together and began clapping for his friend. Such a wonderful poem.

"Woah! I absitively-positutely loved it!! You have such a talent. Think of all the stories you could make and how many people would love them!!" Amy cheered on for his friend, which made him smile. "Thank you, Amy. I'm beyond happy. Here, you can keep it. I've been meaning to give this to someone anyways." Nye hands Amy the poem. The two followed with a hug.

Chapter 13 End.

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