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"But I'll make you proud."

It's the next day. All grunts were to report to the training area. The top ten from the day prior are being chosen to take part in the very important mission. But first, Amy was quite hungry! He and a few of his friends went for breakfast.

Sitting at the table were Joe, Lennon, and of course, Amy. There were also a couple of his roommates. Cody, a laid-back individual. A normal-sized grunt who loves to play video games and read comics. And Armaan, one who was more technical about things. Taller than Cody, yet not as tall as Lennon; reads about psychology and other interesting facts you wouldn't know about. The group of five have gathered to spend time with each other while this mission may be some of their last.

Amy had made everyone buttermilk pancakes! The toppings consisted of freshly cut fruits, powdered sugar, sprinkles, whipped cream, and of course, maple syrup. Everyone dug into their delicious meals.

"These pancakes are delicious!" Joe said while taking a huge bite. "Mm-hmm!". Lennon could only make noises as he was stuffing his face with pancakes. "Now don't eat too much Lennon, we still have things to do." Cody chuckled to himself. Armaan nodded in agreement. Amy was just delighted everyone was enjoying the food. He sat down and poured sprinkles onto his pancakes. They were his favorite.

"So, who do you think is gonna get top 10?" Cody asked the group. "Jason is obviously getting on that list." Joe stated, "It's just a fact." "I do agree. He is probably the best grunt in the facility. I'm surprised he isn't an agent yet." Armaan added. The rest of the group nodded. They all wondered if they would get in on this mission.

Soon enough, it was time to head to the training grounds. Everyone headed there to see who would be picked for this mission. They all had high hopes, but only 10 would be chosen. Different skill types and abilities will play a factor in the results.

The room was somewhat crowded. A group of agents stood in front of the curious crowd. They talked among each other, then one spoke, "Hello everyone. We have made our decisions and will now select the 10 grunts to go on this mission. They will be read going from 10 to 1. Let us begin." The agent walked to the center of the room with a clipboard in hand. Then, he read the names aloud.

"Sasha River... Oakley Tree... Amy Bell... Aiden Frost... Jordan Wyle... Taylor Ellis... Gabriel Smith... Glass Joe... and finally, Jason Jack. Please come up here if I called your name."

The ten of them got up and made their way to the front of the room. They all stood in a line. For Amy, it was a big surprise. The little grunt barely made it compared to all these bigger and stronger ones. Amy couldn't find a reason for why he was selected. That was until the agent spoke once more, "You all have made it due to your different skills. Speed, strength, intelligence, and many more. We are trusting you all to come back successfully. Some of you may die, but you all have signed up for this job. So let's get to work. You have 2 hours to prepare. That's everything. Everyone is dismissed." Amy was shocked at how he had just got chosen for something this big! This was exciting for him as he went running to tell all his friends. Nothing like this has ever happened to Amy! Going to the agent quarters, the star-eyed ball of energy decided to tell his best friend, Nye! Rolling through the halls, Amy found Nye's room and knocked on the door to the beat of Wheels on the Bus. The door opened and of course, Nye was standing there. Amy bounced and jumped with joy! The grunt couldn't wait to tell his friend all the good news.

"Nye! Nye! I got it! I got in the top 10! I'm joining the mission!!" Amy screamed happily. Nye was so happy for his friend. "Wow! That's incredible, Amy. I'm so proud of you!" Nye opened his arms, but Amy was already between them. They hugged in the doorway for a while, swinging each other around and laughing.

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