4You don't love me

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"I was going home, out of here Jungkook." I speak, quite upset that I wasn't able to leave here when I wanted to. What am I now, a fucking prisoner? "Sometimes I wonder if you really love me..." I mumble those words, hoping he didn't hear, but of course my non-existent luck made sure he'd hear.

"What?" The word is cold as ice as he spits it out, leaning forward in his desk chair, eyes piercing my soul.

"Nothing..." I roll my eyes, looking away from him. I hear the chair scraping against the wooden flooring as he gets up, shoes clacking against the floor as he walks slowly to where I'm seated. He stands in front of me, placing his hands on either side of me, on the chair's armrests.

"Look at me." He orders but I ignore it. I won't let him intimidate me. "Y/N. I said look at me." He grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"I wasn't the one who didn't say 'I love you' back, Y/N. So don't you dare tell me that I don't love you. I just had tons of brain scans done so don't piss me off anymore than I already am." He lets go of my chin harshly, standing up and staring down at me. "Don't act like a child and try to run away everytime shit gets difficult. It's not impressive."

My heart stings, chest clenching. "I wasn't trying to run away!" I push the chair back, standing up to make an impression on him but his height still dominated the situation, making me look like a chihuahua next to a bulldog.

"I have responsibilities! I have a company to run! Yes, I'm yours Jungkook, but that doesn't mean you can just take me away from my life like that!"

"I'm just protecting you! You have no idea what is going on outside these walls and the dangers you have to watch out for! Stop making me the bad guy!" He yells back, our argues resonating against the studies walls.

"I'm not making you the bad guy, Jungkook! You just don't understand, do you??!"

"Don't you yell at me like that." His voice drops down a couple of levels, vibrating in his chest.

"And you get to yell at me anytime you want to? I don't think so Jungkook!" I keep my stance, not backing down from the situation. "I want to go home Jungkook." My voice is calm as I say that and something flashes in his eyes. Pain.

He says nothing as he looks at me, tears lining the brims of his chocolate eyes. He gulps down tears, "You really don't love me, do you?" He asks me, reversing the roles so that instead it's me that doesn't love him...

I shake my head, frowning. "No, why would you say that?!"

"You want to leave. You never tell me that you love me, never have. And probably never will."

"I wanted to Jungkook! But you disappeared on me! You left."

"I had to! To protect you! Was it all for nothing?" He stepped back.

"You're being unreasonable. Don't put words into my mouth. We'll talk when the Jungkook I got to know is back. I'm not talking to whoever you are at the moment." Is all I say before turning to leave the study despite his angry protests.

I don't know if his attitude right now is just to assert dominance or if it's his true self coming to light. It could be the tumor as well, but I'm not dealing with it right now. I rush back to my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Fuck!" My fists slam into the bed, tears falling down my cheeks, leaving evidence of sadness on them in the form of wet trails. I crumble to the ground, head resting against the bed, dramatically sobbing my heart out. How could he be so cold towards me?


"Y/N...wake up, you'll hurt your neck like this." A soft and caring voice woke me up nearly three hours later. Woosung.

I cried myself to sleep? I scrunch my sleepy face up in pain as my shoulders have already tensed up from the poor sitting position I had. I get up with his help, his hands gripping my arms gently to help me rise to my feet. I mumble out a 'thanks' and stretch out my tense muscles.

"It's almost dinner time. You should maybe take a warm shower before then." He speaks softly and I nod my head, sitting on the bed.


He smiles, slowly leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

I heave out a sigh, deciding to instead take a warm bubble bath to soothe my aching muscles.

Just as I get up from the bed to head to the bathroom, there's a knock on my door. I don't even have time to answer when it flings open, Jungkook stepping inside. The door shuts behind him.

He steps closer, a gentle look on his face. "I'm- can we talk?" He asks, standing in front of me.

I nod my head, stepping back to once again sit on the comfy bed. He follows, sitting down next to me and clears his throat.

"I shouldn't have said the things I did. I'm sorry." He's the first to speak, watching me as I fiddle with my hands on my lap.

"I don't have an excuse for my behaviour. But please try to understand...I can't let you leave..."

His words send a chill up my spine, and I look up, a frown lining my forehead.

"Why?" I ask, tilting my head. "Is there something I should know, Jungkook?"

He sighs, shaking his head. "Just trust me. You do trust me, right?" His hand grips mine, eyes locking with mine.

I sigh, "Yeah, I do."

"Good, that's good." He nods, using his thumb to run circles on the back of my hand.

I smile at him and he tugs at my hand, urging me to stand so I do. His hands find purchase on my hips, bringing me to stand in between his legs, my arms resting on his shoulders. My fingers fiddle with his hair that seems messy, maybe he slept.

"It's almost dinner time. Try to dress up a little? You're meeting some of the important people in my life." His hands caress my body, pulling me closer.

"'Kay." I whisper, fingers weaving into his hair. I lean down to leave a kiss on his forehead. "Wanna take a bath together?" I ask, voice calm. He smiles, nodding slightly.

"Open the taps and get in. I'll be right there, just gotta get some clothes." He playfully slaps my butt and I do as told, running the bath as my mind wanders again to the billions of questions I want answers to.


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