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Warning: Chapter contains violence.

POV Change

"Fuck you, you fucking mouth breather!" I spit on the ground, right between his freshly polished shoes. "You ain't shit against Jungkook!"

"Well, honey, bad news is that Jungkook isn't coming for you. Nobody is. Best to behave and try to stay out of trouble. Now, enjoy the show, okay? I have to go do something now."

What does he mean Jungkook isn't coming for me? Does he not care? That's not it...right? He'll come to save me...

"Go on now, Chan. Let's show the Princess how our entertainment set works." Jaebum winks at Chan before leaving the room.

Chan takes long strides towards where I'm seated, having me retreat further into the furniture as my gaze lands on his disgusting smirk. "Relax, Princess. I'm not going to hurt you...this time."

Chan's smirk never leaves his face as he steps closer to the curtains again. "You're probably wondering what's behind this?" He chuckles, hands toying with the material. "Well, here's how this is going to work. It can either go terribly, or extremely well. You'll just...answer some questions: honestly. If you don't..." He pauses, "Well." His hands form a stronger grip on the curtains, giving a swift tug at the material to have it fall down to the ground. "Pretty boy here will have a couple of new permanent decorations on his thighs. I don't think he'll like that to be honest, he's really got a nice pair of thighs." He pulls a knife from his boot, twirling it in the air.

When my eyes fall on Jimin, all air leaves my lungs. A ball of spit gathers in my mouth, forcing me to gulp it down, my throat becoming as dry as the sahara desert right after. "Jimin..." My voice is barely audible as I eye the contraption before me.

When this Chan guy first untied Jimin from the chair and moved him behind the curtains, I never in my life expected that he'd tied Jimin to this- this thing.

It looks like something out of Fifty Shades, but much more evil and dark. And Jimin's hanging from it like a fresh piece of meat just waiting to be slaughtered.

"What the fuck do you psychopaths think you're going to gain from this?!" I aim my anger at the slave, shoving it all at him like a ball of fire.

"Uhm, information, duh!" He rolls his eyes.

I scoff, "Good luck, cause I know even less than you do!"

"Wish luck on your friend then cause he's in for one hell of a ride."

He then does something I didn't see coming, sending a wave of shock and immediate nausea through me. He stabs Jimin in the thigh, blood gushing out of the wound like someone just opened the tap to a blood bank.

"Jimin!" I yell, crying as I watch his body convulse, the slicing of his flesh having woken him up, causing him to yell out in pain.

"Stop! I'll tell you anything you need to know!"  Right now, I need to make sure Jimin is okay. I can't afford him being immobilised even more than he already is. If we're escaping, we're going to need him.

"Oh? Well that's good news." Chan yanks the knife from Jimin's leg, getting him hissing out again.

I scrunch my face up in dismay.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. What do you know about the diamond?"

I frown, gulping. What diamond? I don't know anything about a diamond, but I can't tell him that. "Uh..." I look at Jimin, hoping he could help me out, but he just shakes his head. "Th-there's one hidden somewhere... I'm not sure where..."

Chan chuckles, "Are you lying to me?"

I gulp, my palms turning sweaty, my legs tingling. "N-no."

"Okay, that's two lies." He shows no mercy as he viciously stabs the knife into Jimin's thigh, having the boy scream. He has no remorse as he turns the knife, the sound of it rippling through Jimin's skin, carving through the flesh makes me sick and I can't help but look away, tightly shutting my eyes as I try to will away the sick feeling in my stomach. "You can't call it an entertaining show if you don't watch it..." Chan murmurs, plucking the knife from Jimin's skin.

"It's not fucking entertaining you dumb fuck! You make me sick, you're fucking crazy!" I couldn't help but shout, letting all the frustration and fear I felt inside me out verbally.

Chan smiles at me, titling his head to the side with a slight shrug of his shoulders before forcing the blade of the knife through Jimin's other thigh. He uses his strength to push the blade even further in and I swear I could hear it cracking through a bone. Jimin's screaming just getting louder confirmed it. That was enough to get me to spill the previous night's dinner all over the floor.

I need to keep my smart mouth shut, otherwise we're not getting out of here anytime soon.

"Do you think I'm dumb? Where did they hide her?" His voice grows louder as anger floods through his veins.

"Who?" I frown and Jimin's eyes widen. Who is he talking about?

"The diamond!"

My eyes widen at the statement. The diamond...is a person?

"I-I told you...I don't know." I watch him  step closer to Jimin again, threatening to create another scar, "I swear! I don't know!"

Just like that he retreats the knife, his forehead crumpled up in a taught frown. He chuckles, looking down at the ground. "Wait...you're her aren't you? You're the fucking diamond."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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