Kindness in heart.

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In a small town, where everyone used to help each other. There was a big castle in the town. The owner of the castle was a pretty lady. The lady had long hairs and she was beautiful but she was cruel and wicked. Her name was Martha(meaning mistress of house). She used to bully everyone whom she saw. She used to laugh and mock at the people in town. She also used to have a garden which she loved the most. A garden full of beautiful flowers. As she used to think that beside animals, flowers are the most loyal being on the universe.
One day, she went to market and she was buying something and suddenly a lady fall down on the street. She sawed her but she didn't care and continued her work. The lady's all things were ruined and everyone started to laugh at her, she got so angry and went away. Everyone in the town hated her they all used to wish that martha should die and after that they can live happily. But martha had a secret, that she used to help poor people at night. As she used to visit the town in evening and there she used to notice that who is in trouble. Whoever was in trouble didn't came to ask her as they thought that she won't help. So she used to help them at night.
The people of town didn't knew that there hero of night was Martha. On the other hand, the lady who fall on the ground in market was so angry that she wanted revenge. So in night she cutted all the flowers of her garden. In the morning when Martha saw that her flowers were cutted to half, so she quickly ran towards them and picked them up and began to cry. Everyone in the town enjoyed the view of seeing Martha cry and began to laugh at her. She slept crying there. At night when her servents tried to wake her up so they knew that she died.
Martha was actually not a bad person as she seemed for the world. Actually she was alone and wanted someone to love her. So she used to hide herself by faking to cruel person. But the people in the town also didn't helped her when she needed someone. Basically whatever we see is not correct all the time as

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