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(New town, new school, new teachers what am I going to do ) Emilia(meaning rival) was thinking. The next day, she was very excited. She introduced herself in class and settled on her place. In the break time, the class's most handsome boy named tanner came to her.
"Hey" he said
"Hello"she replied.
"You know you are very pretty."
"Thank you."
"So in that case, I think you should become my girlfriend."
"No! Are you crazy."
"The consequence's of rejecting me will be bad."
After that day, she was treated like trash by him. Now she was stressed but the problem was she couldn't do anything. He used to treat her bad at school but one day after her work when she returned home, she was shocked. Tanner and his friends were standing on her house's door and in fear and trepidation she moved 2 steps backwards.
"What happened." He asked
"Why are you here." Emilia asked in a scared voice. He pulled her towards him. "Why can't I come."
"Let me go." She was pulling her hand but he was giant and she was tiny. At that time a black car crossed Infront of her house and it stopped at a distance. A guy tall and gorgeous came outside of a car and he asked "what are you doing."
" Who the hell are you. Go" tanner replied
" Did you said hell. Okay. Let the girl go." He said
"No" tanner replied.
"You will regret it." He said and went to his car. Opened the door and took his gun out. He pointed it directly on to tanner. "Now let the girl go. Or I will shoot you."
Tanner pushed Emilia towards him and ran away with his friends. "Are you alright. Kid" he questioned.
"No." She said and pushed herself into him. She hugged him so tightly. After a couple of minutes he slightly pushed her back. So she asked " who are you? What is your name."
"What do you do"
"Kid, stay away from me. I am dangerous." He replied and lefted.
"If he was dangerous why did he saved me."
She went back home.
The next day there was a announcement that school was holding a function and they will perform Cinderella story. Emilia was selected as Cinderella and her prince was tanner. She wanted to quit but nobody leted her quit. Again at break, tanner showed up Infront of her and asked " who was the guy last night."
" He was my fiancé. Dallas."
"Okay! You wait and watch. What I will do with you."
After school, she was thinking ( where will I find Dallas. He was cute and I also liked him. But why did he said he was a bad guy and dangerous for me.) She was so busy in thinking and was standing on the footpath because she wanted to cross the road and at last when she looked up. She sawed Dallas car and Dallas was sitting on the driving seat. She was so excited and shouted " Dallas."
Dallas looked out of the window and recognized her immediately. She came to his car and settled herself on the car's front seat.
"Out" Dallas said.
"Okay. I hope you won't regret this."
He started the car. Emilia told " My name is Emilia. The guy from last night, his name was tanner."
He stopped his car in his mansion.
"Is this your house it's so big." Emilia asked
"Yes. Come inside." He said
They both entered in the house. Emilia was so shocked.
" You asked me what do I do. Right."
"Yeah. I asked you this yesterday."
He came a bit forward and pulled her towards him. They both were as close to each other that if he came a bit more forward then his lips would be touching Emilia's forehead.
" I am the leader of my Mafia gang."
Emilia stood shocked for a second. "Leave me." She nervously asked.
"Why. Are you scared now."
"No! I am not scared because I know you won't hurt me."
He lefted her after listening her reply. "Go."
"I want your help."
He looked at her. She told him about tanner and what he had done. "How could I help you and what will I get."
"You will come and pick me up from my college daily. I will treat you to ice-cream."
Daily he used to pick her from school and at last finally he started to love her. But on the day of function when Emilia was standing in the class all alone. Tanner came to the class because he wanted to take revenge on Emilia. So he abused her in the class. She ran away from the school. She was running barefoot and didn't sawed the signal and she didn't noticed the car and stood there. The car stopped and coincidentally it was of Dallas's. He came outside and asked "What happened. Darling."
She stared him and falled. He picked her in his arms and took her away. Finally after a couple of hours when she woked up, she started to cry. Dallas was sitting next to her, he said "What happened. Why are you crying."
She didn't replied. "Emilia. Emilia. Darling what happened."
"I was....... At the function then......... tanner came....."
"So what happened. Did tanner hurted you."
She moved her head. "I am gonna kill tanner."
"No..... No, please don't go." She asked.
He hugged her. "He abused me." She said.
"It's okay." He replied. "I wanted to tell you this a long time ago but today I will tell you that I love you. And I want to marry you. Marry me! Emilia."
She looked back. "Still, you want to marry me."
She said. "I don't care you are the love of my life. Marry me." He replied.
They both married. Dallas also tortured tanner for what he did to Emilia. But at last, Dallas conquered his life's biggest victory. Emilia.

Personality isn't about beauty, it's about the character you have.

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