Charm part 1

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Nowadays, if we have one disability or something wrong in our body, so it's like a joke for the people's. Wade(meaning able to go) was a rich business tycoon just he had one problem with his face. He had Acne. Wade had a loyal friend and he came to him and said "hey! What's up. How was your date which I settled."
"She ran away, after looking at my face."
"What the fu*k. No problem I will set another date for you."
"Don't! Please. You just Photoshoped my pics how will change my face. I am tried of the rejection."
"I am sorry. Don't be sad. Let's go out."
They both went out. Some girls are like this they just like money and beauty. After all this still his friend managed to set a date for him. He was not happy but still he went for it, as his friend requested. He waited and after 15 minutes the girl which his friend called came. She came and asked "Are you Wade."
"You look different in reality."
"Actually, my friend Photoshoped it and this is my real face."
"You guys are cheaters, you are fraud. You are cheating innocent people's like me."
"Damn. Why should I listen to you. Bye. Bloody criminal."
She went away after saying this. He was upsate for what she did. He also told his friend to delete his account from dating app.
The girl who insulted him in public, her name was paisley (meaning place of worship). As she was very angry she returned home and started to look for her brother. "Peter. Peter where are you." She opened the door of Peter's room and Peter was holding a knife.
"What the hell are you doing." She shouted and snached the knife from his hands. She took a deep breath. "Why! What were you doing. If I was late for few minutes then heavens know what could have happened."
"Sis, just because I can't walk everyone laughs at me. I want to live like a normal person."
"Firstly, you are normal. Secondly, you are not a coward to end you life like this. You are brilliant but not everyone can see you."
He cryed and hugged his sister and that time she thought ( she also did the same with a boy who had a problem. She was also cruel.) When she came back to her room, she opened the dating app and took out where Wade works so she learned he is the owner of a company. She wanted to apologize. So the next day she went to his office. At that time, he was busy in a meeting. When he returned, he was shocked to see paisley in his room. He became red with anger. "What are you doing here." He asked.
"I am sorry. For what I did yesterday." She aid in a soft voice.
" Get the hell out of here. I am a criminal. I am cheating innocent people like you. So get out." He shouted.
"We are even. You also shouted at me. But still I am sorry." She replied in a crying voice. In the other second she was crying. Now he calmed because he never wanted to hurt a woman and Infront of his eyes a woman was crying because of him.
"Why are you crying."
"Nobody talked to me like that."
"Stop crying."
"Did you forgave me."
She wiped her tears. "Okay. Let's be friend. My name is paisley."
"My name is Wade. Do you really want to be my friend."
"Yes, it's a pleasure"

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