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There was a girl, who didn't had any parents and a house. Her name was cecilia(meaning blind to one's own beauty). She used to live in an orphanage, there as well she was alone as didn't had any friends there also. All alone and lonely, but she had a desire for success. All she wanted was success. She just not sitted in the room and hoped that one day success will be in her hands. She worked hard for it. As time used to pass her desire used to grow and it leaded her towards her dream that came true she passed her exam and was on the list of interview. If she passed her interview than that will be her first step towards success. She was so excited for her interview and dressed up nicely. As she was on her way towards the office. She saw a man whose car crashed and he needed help. No one was around the man and he was bleeding heavily, now she had 2 choices to choose her career or save the one in need and we all know "everything can come back except life."
That's what she choosed. She helped the man and took him to hospital. She payed all the expenses of the operation and waited till the person opened his eyes.
She was sad and crying because she missed her life biggest opportunity. At that time doctor came to her and said "excuse me, miss."
"Yes!" She replied.
"The patient is calling you."
"Okay" She went to meet the patient.
"Hello. How are you feeling."
"I am fine now. But were you crying."
"No, I wasn't crying. I was just a little bit sad."
"Can I have the opportunity to ask why?"
"That was because I missed something really important."
"What. A meeting with your love or date."
"No. Everyone isn't interested in love or dating."
"So why were you crying."
"I missed my interview. It was my dream and that was my goals first step and I missed it."
"Oh, I am sorry. You missed a chance and at the same time God gave you another."
"What are you saying."
"If you are willing. I can give you a job. It's of a nice position."
"Who are you?"
"I am the richest business man of the city. People's die to work with me."

Cecilia all world changed in just a matter of seconds. We don't know when our life will take a turn. So never be disappointed in the God because you never know when the God will give you what you want. Stay positive.

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